Category Archives: Social Studies

P5 Fashion in the 70s!

Primary 5 have been using their iPads in class this week to research what men and women’s fashion was like in the 70’s. They enjoyed talking about platform shoes and could not believe men and woman both wore them! The children also tried on some outfits which were similar to ones we looked at in class.

We used our iPads to take pictures in some 70’s clothes and then designed our own outfits using bright colours and different patterns.

P2 and The Millennium Bug

Primary 2 have began their topic of learning about the years 2000-2015.

Today in class, they discovered about The Millennium Bug!

This was when people thought that all the computers in the world would stop working or CRASH when the year changed to 2000 and they nicknamed it, “The Millennium Bug.”

We in Primary 2 know that it wasn’t a real bug like a spider or a beetle, but we imagined what we thought a Millennium Bug would look like and planned a drawing of it on our whiteboards!

Some of our creations had lots of arms to crash all the computers in the year 2000!