Category Archives: Social Studies

Auchengeich Colliery 56th Annual Memorial Service

It was drizzly day as the choirs from Glenmanor and St Michael’s Primaries waited patiently for the service to begin. They sung beautifully  ‘Give Me Joy in My Heart’ and ‘Going Home’  and their behaviour was excellent. Well done everyone!

There was a great turnout from the community to support the service.

Willie Doolan, Secretary opened the service and Danny Taylor, Chairman, remembered the 47 miners who lost their lives 56 years ago. David Collins, from Moodieburn & District played while the names were read out. Then there was the laying of the wreaths.

Rev Mark Malcolm read from the Bible then Elaine Smith, MSP,  and Provost Jim Robertson, NLC, both read a dedication and Father Michael Briody said a prayer.

Nicky Wilson, President of NUM read a dedication and Captain John Parry, Salvation Army read the benedition at the end of the service.

Primary 5 Go Back In Time

Primary 5 developed their knowledge of 70’s playground games today. First they worked as a team to make a long rope out of elastic bands. The children then enjoyed the challenge of jumping over the long elastic band rope as it was raised higher and higher from ankle height all the way to ear height! We used our iPads to record each other’s learning.

Here are some of the children in action!


As part of their Decades topic, the boys and girls had a discussion about the technology we use and looked at some photographs of older technology from the year 2000 onwards. They were able to compare the similarities and differences of these devices and sorted them into old and new.

The children thought it was funny when they found out that when rewinding a video tape, people had to wait a while for it to get back to the beginning!

P6/7 create 1960’s inspired moodboards

As part of our topic on the ‘swinging sixties’ P6/7 have been learning all about the fashion trends of the decade.  In groups we have started to create moodboards on fashion trends which symbolised the sixties.  We have been using different textures, colours and images to capture themes such as psychedelic flower power, futuristic space age, mods and rockers.  Once complete, we will create our own 60’s inspired outfits with the help of our boards.