Category Archives: Primary 6

Fairtrade and Food Leadership Academy


The boys and girls in this leadership group are planning a Fairtrade event for parents, carers and members of the school and extended community to attend and enjoy. Some children created invitations while others baked Fairtrade banana loaves and carrot cakes which will be frozen and stored until the event!

Focus on Food / Fairtrade Group

Today was our first meeting of the Focus on Food / Fairtrade Leadership committee group. We had a group discussion about what we want the group to achieve this year and voted for 3 aims for the year. Some children researched fairtrade snacks for a possible Fairtrade tuckshop while others created a ‘Courgette Loaf Cake’ using produce from our garden in the Learning Kitchen. We can’t wait until our next session!

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Pupils from Our School Choir Perform for Sense Scotland 23 November 2015

Pupils from our school choir excelled themselves at a concert in aid of Sense Scotlnd on Monday night. The concert venue was the beautiful Glasgow City Chambers and the pupils sang beautifully to an audience that included many Glenmanor parents and family members. Thank you for your fantastic support as always. We sold 59 of the allocated 60 tickets, making £501.50 for the charity.


Primary Six Remembrance Day

Primary six marked Remembrance Day with a very dignified two minutes silence.  They  carried out a variety of tasks to enhance their knowledge of the effects war can have on the home life of children.  Pupils researched what life was like for evacuees and the evacuation process, what happened during air raids and made keynote presentations and dioramas of all their findings.




Christmas Carol Service Sneak Peek!

The boys and girls in the junior and senior choirs have been hard at work practising for a very special Christmas Carol Service. Here is a sneak peek of the P4-7 choir singing a song called, “Tonight!”