Category Archives: Primary 5

Expressive Arts – Choir Singers and Artists

P2/3 choir and P4-7 choir singing their hearts out today. P4-7 choir were practising hymns for the upcoming Auchengeich Memorial Service.

Outstanding art work from P4-7 artists in residence at Glenmanor! They were doing a masterclass on the pop artist Roy Lichtenstein. Fantastic! Next week we will feature our dance group!

Primary 5 Go Back In Time

Primary 5 developed their knowledge of 70’s playground games today. First they worked as a team to make a long rope out of elastic bands. The children then enjoyed the challenge of jumping over the long elastic band rope as it was raised higher and higher from ankle height all the way to ear height! We used our iPads to record each other’s learning.

Here are some of the children in action!

P5 Fashion in the 70s!

Primary 5 have been using their iPads in class this week to research what men and women’s fashion was like in the 70’s. They enjoyed talking about platform shoes and could not believe men and woman both wore them! The children also tried on some outfits which were similar to ones we looked at in class.

We used our iPads to take pictures in some 70’s clothes and then designed our own outfits using bright colours and different patterns.

Primary 5 Spelling and Topic Homework

Week beginning 31st August 2015.


Roald Dahl- spelling words have been glued into your jotters. Choose 5 words to use for rainbow spelling and the other five words to write in sentences.

Robert Burns, William Shakespeare and J.K. Rowling your spelling words are the ones with the phoneme ‘k’:

cashew, call, kidney, kilometre, keep, hammock, crackle, flock, chemist and echo.

All children should choose five spelling words for pyramid spelling and write the other five spelling words in a sentence.


As an ongoing task for the next four weeks, children should choose an area of the 1970’s to research and create a poster. For example, children could choose to research what fashion was like in the 1970’s. They can then present their information on a poster with pictures/drawings. Children have been learning ways we can research and find information and so can continue to develop these skills at home. Children can take notes in their homework jotter and use these to create a poster.

A homework letter and communication book will be given out to children soon.

Thank you,

Miss Gillespie

P5 Maths Workshop

Primary 5 were busy in maths today as they worked around different stations of our addition maths workshop.

Children enjoyed sharing their mental maths strategies with each other and playing with the loop cards.

Primary 5 also had lots of fun on the treasure hunt around the classroom searching for answers to some challenging addition sums.