Category Archives: Primary 5

Primary 5 Homework 31/08/15

Primary 5 Homework

Week beginning 31st August 2015

All Primary 5 children were given a small blue jotter to complete their homework in today in class. I have discussed with children how they should present their homework in their jotters. I will post homework on the blog on a Monday and could I please have all homework handed in to the homework tray by Friday.

Spelling and topic homework will be posted tomorrow.

If you have any questions please leave a comment on the blog or in your child’s homework jotter.

Thank you,

Miss Gillespie


Team 3 and Team 4

Say and write your 3 and 6 times tables.

Place Value

Say the number and then write down the value of the digit(s) that is underlined.

1a) 65743                 b) 54356                   c) 98012                    d) 129876


  1. e) 785243           f) 2563549              g) 3487625               h) 6854328


Write out and complete these sums as a vertical sum.

928               596                 356

+741              +483              +804


3621           4847               2286

+ 4809           +3922         +3938

Challenge- Solve the word problem

A family drive 208 miles from London to Manchester, and then 213 miles on to Glasgow. How far did they travel altogether?


Team 2

Say and write your 3 and 5 times tables.

Place Value

Say the number and then write down the value of the digit(s) that is underlined.

1a) 657                      b) 546                        c) 9801                      d) 1276

  1. e) 7852               f) 2563                      g) 3486                      h) 68545


Write out and complete these sums as a vertical sum.

92              59                     35

+74              +48                   +80


362          484                   228

+ 480           +392                +393

Challenge- Solve the word problem

There are 167 books in one classroom and 392 books in the other. How many books are there altogether in both classrooms?


Team 1

Say and write your 5 and 10 times tables.

Place Value

Say the number and then write down the value of the digit(s) that is underlined.

1a) 65                        b) 54              c) 901                                   d) 127

  1. e) 852             f) 253                  g) 346                                   h) 645


Write out and complete these sums as a vertical sum.

92              59                     35

+ 4              +   8                   + 0

62            84                         28

+   8           +   2                   +     3

Challenge- Solve the word problem

Abi collects stamps. She has 14 in a box and 5 in a book. How many does she have altogether?

Literacy for all groups

All groups should design a new front cover for their novels and reading books. Think about what information should be included on your front cover: a title, an author and an illustration.

Titles and authors for each group:

J.K. Rowling- The Invisible Dog by Dick King-Smith

Robert Burns- Tilly and The Badgers by Joan Lingard

William Shakespeare- The Last Wolf by Michael Morpurgo



Primary 5’s Chryston Horticultural Show Art Work

Primary 5 have been busy this week making a creation for the Chryston Horticultural Show. We painted different flowers onto paper plates and used cupcake cases to add pot plants to our paintings. Some of us also decided to make different patterns around our flowers to frame them.

Congratualtions and good luck to Kayley, Abigail and Macie whose creations were chosen to be sent to the show to be part of the art competition.

Here is a picture of some of the paintings made by the other boys and girls in Primary 5.



P5 Garden Event

We had an amazing turnout from parents for our open event last week. The children and their parents/grandparents enjoyed painting their plant pots together. They then had to choose from a selection of herbs and vegetables to plant. They could chose from coriander, dill, oregano and many more. The vegetables available to plant ranged from red chillies to sweet peppers and shallots. The class were so involved in what they were doing and the children really enjoyed having a member of their family there to help and support them. The children will now take their plant pots home and look after them over the summer holidays. Thank you so much to everyone who came along and we hope you enjoyed it!

P4-7 Cooking Leadership Academy

16 June 2015

Mrs Martin taught our cooking leaders how to make chocolate truffles for the P7 graduation. Ms Kelly supported Mrs Martin in the learning kitchen as the pupils melted chocolate, bashed biscuits and mixed them together with coconut. The pupils mixed the ingredients together, used their hands to roll them into balls then coated them in chocolate. Once completed, the truffles were placed on a tray and placed in the fridge, ready for the big day!

Mrs Barrington worked with the rest of the pupils on three tasks related to the official launch of our learning kitchen next session. The tasks were to design an invitation for the official launch of the learning kitchen ,  to create a buffet menu that the cooking leadership academy could make and to plan the events for the opening.  Sophie had some super ideas for the last task and is showing the skills of an event manager in the making!

P3 Parents Open Event Part 2 (Cafe Espanol)

The second part of our parents event took place in the Learning Kitchen where the pupils from P3 and Spanish Club pupils from P4 and 5 were serving tapas (Spanish snacks) to all our visitors.

Click below to see our Menu del dia (Menu)

Spanish cafe food

The cafe was very popular and successful with pupils serving the food in Spanish and helping their parents/guardians with the pronunciation of the phrases left on each table.  The tapas were eaten up very quickly so we haven’t got many pictures of the snacks on offer but we do promise they were delicious – muy delicioso.

Thanks to all my helpers especially Johnathon who took the photos for me as I was busy in the kitchen.  Muchas gracias for such a wonderful turnout!