Category Archives: Primary 4

P4-7 Financial Education Workshop

Primaries 4 to 7 are taking part in financial education workshops this week. Today, we learned about when money first began to be used and identified the notes, coins and cards we use as tender in this country today. Thanks to Paula and Jamie for coming in to teach us and for giving us a money DVD each to take home!

Voices of Angels! 😊

The P4-7 Choir started rehearsing for the Auchengeich Memorial Service and learned this famous song for the first time. Can you recognise it?

P4 ‘Birds’ Open Event

Thanks to all family and friends for coming along to Primary 4’s open event. We were thrilled that it was so well attended and the children had a great time entertaining you with jokes, facts and songs. We hope you liked taking part in the bird beak experiment too!