Category Archives: Primary 2/3

P2, P2/3 and P3 Germ Busters


We have been learning about keeping safe in the kitchen as part of our Health and Wellbeing lessons this term. We have learned about safe and hygienic food preparation, storage and cooking.

All three classes enjoyed a visit from Mrs MacIntyre who taught us about germs and the importance of keeping our hands clean. She used a special light that showed up the germs on our hands before and after washing them. She also brought her cuddly germ friend to tell us that not all germs are bad germs.

Thank you Mrs MacIntyre.




Fair trade fun in P2/3!

P2/3 have been learning all about Fairtrade! Today we wrote persuasive letters to encourage people to buy Fairtrade. We also watched a short film about the difference that Fairtrade can make and located where Fairtrade products come from on the map! We now know lots of facts about this and were able to write some on Fairtrade products.


P2/3 Winter Topic

As part of our winter topic we have been learning about how to stay warm. We all carried out an experiment to see what materials are best at keeping in heat.

We covered 4 beakers with different jackets ( paper towel, t-shirt material, thick wooly sock, bag of cotton wool balls) and also had a beaker with no jacket. Mrs Inglis added hot water, we took the temperature waited 20 minutes and then took the temperature again. We discovered that all the water had got a bit cooler, but the water with the woolly sock jacket and the cotton wool jacket stayed the warmest.

This is just like our big wooly and puffy coats that we wear in cold weather to keep us warm.

Everybody  enjoyed being scientists and filling in our science reports.