Category Archives: PE Activities and Sport

Cluster Football Event

We are delighted to be sending a team to represent Glenmanor at a cluster football event being held at Chryston High School.  The event will be held on Wednesday 28 October from 4pm to 5.30pm. The children attending have been selected from those attending an after school club on a Wednesday.   Good luck!

Please note that as a result of this event there will be no football club on Wednesday 28 October and the final session will take place on Wednesday 4 November.


P4 Girls Festival 17 September 2015

15 of our P4 pupils are looking forward to taking part in the Active Schools Girls Festival 2015 on Thursday morning. They will have the opportunity to try a number of different sports and activities that are also available in the community. The girls will have the opportunity to try activities such as dance, gymnastics, football and marshal arts delivered by local clubs and sports development officers from North Lanarkshire Leisure.

All EV5 permission forms must be signed and returned to school before the festival. Please ensure that your child comes to school dressed for sport and brings a drink and snack. They should change into their school uniform after the festival. Thank you!

Sports Day

After School Clubs

We are delighted to announce that we have a range of after school clubs starting soon at Glenmanor.  We have been able to secure a football coach who will organise and run a football club in the school.  The club will begin on Wednesday 16 September  and run for 6 weeks.  This club is open to P6 and P7 children.

Miss Gillespie is planning to run a homework club.  Children who attend will be supported to complete their homework tasks and will be able to access the internet for any online work.  This will begin on Monday 5 October  and run every week until the end of November.  This club will be open to P5 children initially.

There will be many other opportunities over the school year and we hope to offer a club to all year groups so look out for further information!

We look forward to welcoming as many children as possible to our clubs!703468fee3191942cdc8aeb50528db52