Category Archives: Numeracy and Maths

P5 Measuring Angles


In room 13 Primary 5 have been learning all about angles. This week we used a protractor to help measure different angles. We measured right, acute and obtuse angles. Children who felt confident were able to help and support other children during the lesson. It was lovely to see other children giving advice and demonstrating how to use the protractor properly. Well done P5!

P4 Marvellous Maths Workshop!

Screenshot_2015-05-20-23-39-45~2In Primary 4, we have been using our maths workshop to help us during maths time. There are 4 stations. Maths facts: at this station we focus on our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division knowledge. At your seat: Here, we use our new learning to complete written maths work. Teacher’s Choice: At this station, we work in a small group with the teacher to learn new maths skills. Hands On: Here, we use all the learning we have been working on so far to take part in active tasks and fun related games.