Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Sport Relief 11/3/16

Our captains and vice captains are working hard to plan am action packed day for Sport Relief 2016. Children are invited to pay £1 donation and wear their sports clothes and take part in a mile challenge on the day. Challenges include a 3 legged mile walk, an egg and spoon and dance challenge.

Sports challenges will be set up in the hall. They include space hopper races, beat the goalie and basketball rally. Children are asked to pay a £1 donation to access the challenges.

‘The Glenmanor Bake Off’ will also be a part of the day. Sign up details can be accessed on the attached letter.

Sport Relief


Screen Shot 2016-02-25 at 13.13.03P2 are learning all about bar graphs. We made a bar graph showing all the types of rubbish that we found when we did a litter pick. We brought the litter back to class and sorted it into different kinds of litter. Then we counted it using tally marks. We put the information into a bar graph and answered some questions about our graph.

“There were 63 sweet wrappers and that was the most” – Andrew A

“Fruit was the least popular” – Chloe M

“Crisps were the second most” – Cameron F

“Bottles and cartons altogether were 16” – David Y

We also think that people should make sure they put their litter in the bin!

P2 Class Dojo Growth Mindset

P2 are enjoying a new Class Dojo video clip each week to help them to develop a “Growth Mindset.”

This week, the clip is called, “The Power of Yet” and the boys and girls discussed why the word ‘yet’ is so important. Instead of saying, “I can’t do it,” why not say, “I can’t do it, yet.”

Think of a time where you just didn’t get “it.” What could you do in that situation?

Watch the video again here:

Primary 3 working hard!

The Rainforest

The children learned all about the layers of the rainforest. We can name and identify all the layers with confidence. We will be learning about the animals who live in each layer.


The class had fun using the net for the first time today. A lot of the children found it challenging to hit the shuttlecock over the net but they know that with lots of practise they will get better!



The children learned how to draw a face and we chose a friend to draw. The class had lots of fun drawing their friend. Some of the drawings were so good that we could identify who they were.


The children enjoyed using pasta shapes to help them find out the answers to the 4 times table.

P5 Target Games

In primary 5 we have been working on our target games. We played a hockey game, a bowling game and a bean-bag throwing game. The way we played it was we set cones and had to dribble a ball with a hockey stick around the cones. We then had to shoot at the goals as our target. For the bowling we set up five bowling pins on each side we played in two teams. The first team to knock down all the other teams bowling pins won! And, last but not least, the bean-bag throwing. If you managed to throw your bean bag into the first set of cones you got 10 points, the second set of cones you got 20, and the last set of cones you got 30 points. If it slid past all the cones you got 0!

Written by Cameron and Shaye.