Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

After School Clubs

We are delighted to announce that we have a range of after school clubs starting soon at Glenmanor.  We have been able to secure a football coach who will organise and run a football club in the school.  The club will begin on Wednesday 16 September  and run for 6 weeks.  This club is open to P6 and P7 children.

Miss Gillespie is planning to run a homework club.  Children who attend will be supported to complete their homework tasks and will be able to access the internet for any online work.  This will begin on Monday 5 October  and run every week until the end of November.  This club will be open to P5 children initially.

There will be many other opportunities over the school year and we hope to offer a club to all year groups so look out for further information!

We look forward to welcoming as many children as possible to our clubs!703468fee3191942cdc8aeb50528db52

P4-7 Leadership Academies 26 August 2015

Our senior pupils had a great time in their academies today. Their first task was to discuss and agree on 3 outcomes they want to achieve this year and start to plan how they will be successful. We will share these outcomes with you very soon!

It was harvest time for the garden academy. Mrs Quinn showed the pupils how to dig up carrots, onions and potatoes and they also started weeding the flat beds. Many of the sunflowers planted by P3 last term have grown tall and strong. They look lovely in our garden. I wonder what they will cook in our learning kitchen with their produce?

Our focus on food academy baked cupcakes this morning and decorated them this afternoon with the support and guidance of Mrs Martin, Mrs Ritchie, Ms Gillespie, Mrs Bowden and Mrs Duncan. Thank you Mrs Home and Mrs Armour for donating cup cake items today! We had a great time!

IMG_2546I was delighted to choose the top three designs to enter the Chryston Horticultural Society Annual Show on Saturday. Good luck!

Eco committeeThe eco committee worked hard to develop their ideas for school improvement. Mrs Grant was very impressed!

Fairtrade CommitteeThe fairtrade committee created designs for their own logo and came up with some great suggestions to raise awareness of fairtrade and fund raise at the same time. Mrs McDaid thinks that her team will do very well this year and she has been amazed by their great ideas. Well done!

IMG_2538The Pupil Council were designing school mascots today. I wonder what the winning design will be? Mrs Fisher will reveal this exciting information very soon!

IMG_2540Ths sports leadership academy worked hard with Ross Sweeney, (Active Schools Co-ordinator), Mrs Green (Parent) and Mrs McCluskey (Classroom Assistant). They spilt into 3 teams to plan a “Road to Rio’ Running Challenge for P4-7 pupils during lunchtimes. They have many events to lead this year including our nursery and primary sports days.

Our enterprise committee have many great ideas for whole school events this year such as a junior master chef challenge and a talent show. I am confident that Ms Brunton will lead her leaders to put on some fantastic events this year!


P4 Eco-Day Activity

Today we sorted and counted the litter that P2/3 had collected from playtime. We then created a graph and it showed us the types of litter that had been dropped and we could see how healthy or unhealthy we are being!

Screen Shot 2015-06-19 at 12.05.57We noticed that crisps and sugary snacks  were a popular snack choice and fruit was the least popular, when we think it should be the opposite.

However, we did think that our drinks are quite healthy as we drink a lot of milk and water.

We were shocked at how much litter was on the ground and we encourage other children to use the playground bins. Thank you!