Category Archives: Food and Health

Ready, Steady Cook! P6/ 7 Winning Class

Every class was provided with potatoes and onions grown in our school garden. The challenge was to design, prepare, cook and serve a dish using the garden produce, ingredients from our dry store and a maximum of two other ingredients.

P6/7 won with their potato, onion and bacon bake! It was delicious. I am very sad that this challenge is over as I very much enjoyed sampling all the dishes!

Primary 4 – Ready Steady Cook Challenge

We rose to the cooking challenge set by Mrs Martin by making  fantastic frittata.  The ingredients included cheese, eggs, spring onion and new potatoes.  We all enjoyed working in our groups preparing the vegetables, mixing the ingredients, designing our own placemats and creating our menus.  We all had a piece of the frittata and it was delicious!





Ready, Steady Cook in P5!

P5 have had a busy morning making cheese and bacon potato skins. First we had to cut cooked potatoes in half, then we had to scoop out the potato and put it into a bowl with some bacon. We mixed the potato and bacon together and used the mix to refill the potato skins. We then sprinkled some cheese on top.

Mrs Martin tasted our potato skins and we got to try them too.

Erin M and most of the class said- “It was so amazing! I will be making these at home!”

Primary 5 would like to say thank you to Mrs Green and Mrs Smith!

Ready Steady Cook Challenge- P3

In the kitchen this morning some children from P3 prepared and made a Moroccan Potato Salad. The children experienced chopping potatoes, cutting parsley and making their own vinaigrette.

Then all the children had a taste and the majority of the children enjoyed the salad but a few children didn’t like the red onion.

Mrs Martin joined us afterwards and had a taste and she was very impressed. She was very surprised to hear that we made our own vinaigrette and she absolutely loved our potato salad.