Category Archives: Food and Health

Chef Adrian’s Recipes from P5/6 School Visit

An email from Stewart Colins –

Many thanks for letting myself and Chef Adrian visit your school last week, both Adrian and I believe it was a great success with the students and we hope you all feel the same.

As discussed I have attached the 3 recipes that will also be available on our website (as long as plenty of other great recipes)

School Recipes Scotland June 2015

P5/6 Cooking Up A Storm with Chef Adrian!

17 June 2015

Primary 5/6 had the most fantastic morning cooking up a storm with Irish celebrity chef Adrian, along with  Stewart from S Collins & Son Butchers, Muirhead. We were delighted that Natasha Tobin, Store Manager from our local Co-op, Stephen Moore, NLC Quality Improvement Officer (Health and Wellbeing)  and Dorothy-Ann Aubrey, NLC Focus on Food Development Officer were able to join us. We were also pleased that Jennifer and her mum came along too because we didn’t want them to miss this fantastic event!

Adrian and Stewart started off with a presentation. We learned about different cuts of  meat and where the cuts come from on the animal.  We also learned about the importance of being able to trace the origins of the meat we eat and how best to cook the different cuts.

Then we had a fabulous cookery demonstration where Chef Adrian created 3 wonderful dishes  –  steak with potato rosti, spring rolls and checken curry. Adrian helped us all become aware of the dangers of our unhealthy diets and the problems we will face in the future if we don’t educate ourselves on what we should be eating and how we should cook it. He also showed us how easy, delicious and healthy it is to cook from scratch using locally sourced ingredients.

After the cooking demonstrations, some of the pupils showed Adrian and Stewart the food we are growing in our school garden to achieve the grow it, cook it, eat it philosphy at Glenmanor. He was very impressed!

We would all like to say a massive thank you to Stewart Collins for giving us the oportunity to participate in this fantastic experience and we hope to work with him in the future.





P4-7 Cooking Leadership Academy

16 June 2015

Mrs Martin taught our cooking leaders how to make chocolate truffles for the P7 graduation. Ms Kelly supported Mrs Martin in the learning kitchen as the pupils melted chocolate, bashed biscuits and mixed them together with coconut. The pupils mixed the ingredients together, used their hands to roll them into balls then coated them in chocolate. Once completed, the truffles were placed on a tray and placed in the fridge, ready for the big day!

Mrs Barrington worked with the rest of the pupils on three tasks related to the official launch of our learning kitchen next session. The tasks were to design an invitation for the official launch of the learning kitchen ,  to create a buffet menu that the cooking leadership academy could make and to plan the events for the opening.  Sophie had some super ideas for the last task and is showing the skills of an event manager in the making!

P2 in the Learning Kitchen

As part of our Focus on Food topic, P2 all got a chance to make Bruschetta in our new learning kitchen. We worked in small groups learning how to make the garlicky bread base and how to chop our tomatoes and olives safely.  We used two different herbs to flavour our bread – dried oregano and fresh basil. When we had made the Bruschetta we all got a chance to taste it straight away, some of us ate it all!! It was delicious. Everyone had a great time learning to cook and Mrs Inglis is very proud of us all, especially as we all tried and tasted something new. We can’t wait to cook again next year. Yum yum. (Mrs Inglis)

P4 Eco-Day Activity

Today we sorted and counted the litter that P2/3 had collected from playtime. We then created a graph and it showed us the types of litter that had been dropped and we could see how healthy or unhealthy we are being!

Screen Shot 2015-06-19 at 12.05.57We noticed that crisps and sugary snacks  were a popular snack choice and fruit was the least popular, when we think it should be the opposite.

However, we did think that our drinks are quite healthy as we drink a lot of milk and water.

We were shocked at how much litter was on the ground and we encourage other children to use the playground bins. Thank you!


P3 Trip to Pizza Express

On 28th April, P3 were really excited to go to Pizza Express at The Fort where they got the opportunity to make Margherita pizzas with a pizzaiolo (pizza chef).  They even managed to raise money for the cost of the bus through their Beadtastic Enterprise – making and selling bead bracelets throughout the school.  Thanks to all Glenmanor pupils and parents for your support!

Each pupil had their own pizza base and were responsible for spreading out the dough and tomato sauce.

The pizzaiolo then showed the children a trick for making the tomato sauce spread evenly around the base without using a spoon by shaking the base.  It was quite tricky!

The pupils then added the mozzarella topping to their pizzas and the pizzaiolo then cooked them in the oven for us.  We then got the opportunity to taste fresh basil, mozzarella cheese and black olives.

Afterwards we took the yummy pizzas back to school and enjoyed them for lunch.  The class are really excited now about cooking in our school kitchen after this wonderful experience!

Calling all Parents! A Cooking Demonstration Fundraising Night 17 June 2015

Stewart Collins is teaming up with Celebrity Irish Chef Adrian to host a cooking demo fundraising night in aid of Craighalbert Centre, Cumbernauld. The centre provide educational and therapy servies for children and young people throughout Scotland affected by cerebral palsy and related conditions, which result in disorders of movements and communication. Their web page is

Glenmanor have a special connection with the centre because one of our former pupils, Chloe, made the transition from the Centre to Glenmanor Primary.

If you are free on Wednesday 17 June at 7.30pm, why not pop along to the Knights of St Columba? Tickets cost only £5 and can be purchased at  S Collins Butchers, Muirhead or Craighalbert Centre.

Please see fundraiser poster below –

Stewart Collins Fundraiser Wed 17 June 2015

P5/6 Cook with Celebrity Chef Adrian on 17 June 2015!

P5/6 are getting ready for their special visit from Stewart Collins of S Collins & Son’s Butchers, Muirhead and Chef Adrian, an Irish Celebrity Chef on Wednesday 17 June from 10.00am -12.30pm.

Stewart Collins ButcherChef Adrian is an Irish Celebrity Chef who works as ambassador for Craft Butchers in Ireland. Healso appears weekly on National television in Ireland and has his own cooking show on Sky. He travels from town to town teaching people all about cooking and sharing the knowledge he has picked up from working in some of Ireland’s top restaurants. Adrian has been voted in the top 15 Rising Stars in 2015. He has teamed up with S Collins & Son’s Butchers in Muirhead to promote and share the great quality of produce that this Q Guild Butcher has to offer in Scotland.

Chef Adrian MartinChef Adrian will bring experience, knowledge and fun for our pupils. Adrian will focus on the importance of healthy eating with the pupils, cooking from scratch and the importance of quality ingredients from the local butcher. Adrian will be joined by Stewart Collins and will work hand in hand with the butcher. Each of our P5/6 pupils will receive recipes and maybe a little gift from Stewart if they are lucky.

Adrian will deliver a powerpoint presentation about healthy eating, cheap value cuts of meat and why it’s important to shop for quality with their local butcher when cooking. He will then proceed to cook 3 dishes for the pupils showing them everything from scratch. The cooking segment involves interaction and involvement from the pupils and gives them an insight into good cooking and good skills to take home and practice.

Sky TV may film this event so all P5/6 parents are asked to please complete and return the Sky TV Photography Consent Form overleaf as soon as possible so that we are prepared should filming go ahead. Thank you for your anticipated support in returning the consent form before the event on 17 June.

I have attached the letter with the concsent form below –

Cooking Demonstrations by Chef Adrian and Stewart Collins 17 June 2015