Category Archives: * Effective contributor

Healthy Tuckshop

The upper school Health Committee members are running a healthy tuckshop on Friday 8th December at playtime. All items cost 50p.

We have slightly sweetened popcorn, crackers and cheese, carrot sticks, fruit bags, fruit slices and some healthy drinks.

Also, the class who bring in the most healthy snacks over the next week will win a fruit hamper for their class.


We Will Remember Them

Parents, carers and friends of Glenmanor,

We are looking for photos of relatives who you would like to be remembered for their contributions to the wars of the past in our memorial service this year. If you have any photos of these friends or relatives, please ask your child to pass them to Mrs MacGregor or simply drop the photo into the school office with your name and number attached so we can take a copy and return the original to you. Their pictures and any facts about them will be included in a Powerpoint presentation during our Remembrance Day assembly.

Children who brought pictures and information of a relative last year, don’t need to bring it in again as a copy has been retained. Thanks in advance, Mrs MacGregor.

Earth Hour 2017

Last week, Primary 4 were hard at work researching “Earth Hour.” We used ‘i-Movie’ on the i-pads to create our own news reports to raise awareness of climate change.

Did you take part in Earth Hour on Saturday the 25th March 2017?

Here are some of our Confident Individuals explaining what Earth Hour is and how you can make a positive change to our world.

Primary 5/6 with great cooking skills

Primary 5/6 have had a great week making 3 different dishes for each of them to enjoy.   On Monday it was macaroni cheese and some pupils were not too keen to make this as it had lots of cheese!   Tuesday was far more popular as we made pancakes in order to support their learning of Shrove Tuesday.   Needless to say, the option of the toppings made it all that little bit better.

Today, we got to further develop the skills of reading a recipe, cutting, grating, frying, shaping, timing and reducing a sauce.   It was great to see the pupils working together and working through each process.   A great week and we are all looking forward to our next block of cooking.

Well done P5/6!!

Sports Leadership Learning

This afternoon, pupils from Primaries 4, 5, 6 and 7 came to their next block of learning about Sports and the aspects that surround this.

They were learning about First Aid as this is an important aspects to understanding the associated accidents that lead to small and larger injuries.   Today, the pupils had the opportunity to learn how to assess injuries, dress injuries to the body and the face, put the arm into a sling, put someone into the Recovery Position and also CPR.    This required some problem solving but they all worked very well with each other and also with the resources and equipment that was there for them to use.

As you can see from the photographs, I think that they all consider themselves to be confident First Aiders!

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The Wonders of Electricity

Primary 5/6 pupils have enjoyed learning about different aspects of electricity.   As they progressed and deepened their knowledge of the impact that electricity has on their lives and how vital this is in today’s modern living, I taught the pupil’s about circuits and the journey that electricity takes to reach the circuit.

At the end of the block of teaching and learning, the class had the challenge of working out how to build a circuit.   Some were to make a bulb light up, whilst others got a fan and a buzzer to work.   Some progressed onto adding circuit breakers and even adding more to their circuit to make the bulb even brighter.   What an achievement and I am so proud that they were highly motivated and each thoroughly enjoyed the time spent carrying this out.

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Celebrating Robert Burns

The pupils in primary six have been working very hard for the past few  weeks learning all about Robert Burns and the traditions of a Burns’ Supper.   All that hard work was displayed on Thursday night when they held their very own Burns’ Supper for their families, teachers and invited guests.   The pupils delivered a professional event with confidence, humour and excellent behaviour. They all worked very hard preparing for this in school and also at home with the help of their family members.

A great time was had by all!

Parade of the Haggis