Category Archives: Achievements

Parent Council Photograph Competition Winners!

Lesley Davidson, Our Community Learning and Development Worker, judged the entries in the Parent Council Photograph Competition. Here is a photograph of our delighted winners! Each pupil received a book token.


Glenmanor win a Story Telling School Visit!

We received this fantastic email from Michael Kerins (Author and Storyteller) yesterday –


Glenmanor school’s contribution helped to make the overall flower show a great success.

Big Pants Ltd – Scotland’s premier storytelling business, members of Chryston and Muirhead Business Community, have sponsored a storytelling school visit worth £150. Glenmannor Primary Schoolchildren’s contribution has won outright.

Please contact us to claim your prize and we will set a mutually agreeable date for your school and pupils to have some well won fun.

All the best

Michael Kerins author storyteller

Whole School Assembly 4 September 2015


Representatives from eco council, healthy heroes, pupil council and fairtrade committees updated us on their progress from last week’s meeting. Each group has come up with great ideas and plans to make Glenmanor a great place to be. I look forward to seeing you transform the school!

Thank you to our volunteers who led with the actions from our 3 fishy songs ‘Hello’, “We’re on this road’ and ‘My Body Everybody’. You did a great job of leading everyone today.

Our successful entrants to the Chryston Horticultural show received certificates and and small financial prizes. A special mention goes to P1a for winning first place in the krispie cake competition. They received a lovely medal too!

Thank You Letters to Stewart Collins

Our P5/6 pupils really enjoyed their visit from Stewart Collins, Butcher and Chef Adrian. They all wrote letters to thank them for a fantastic day. Well done to Sienna and Sophie whose thank you letters were chosen to be handed in to Stewart Collins. He featured your letters on his facebook page and you can view the link below –

Stewart Collins Facebook Link

Summer Service 24 June 2015

To help celebrate a very successful year pupils, staff, parents and members of the community came together to recognise our achievements and say goodbye and good luck to P7 and Mrs McLeod. We were entertained by both our junior and senior choirs.  “Midnight Sketch” who are a band from Chryston High performed two songs.

Pupils with perfect attendance were recognised with a certificate. Our school Chaplain, Mark McKeown spoke warmly to our P7’s about moving on and new beginnings.

Mrs Karen Wallace and Mrs Jackie Holmes from our Parent Council presented every P7 with a tie for high school, an autograph book, pen and a photograph from their P7 party. Thank you to the Parent Council for their continued hard work and dedication to raising money and supporting our school.

Mrs McLeod was presented with flowers from the Parent Council, a special book containing a good luck message from every child in the school and flowers from staff.

Thank you to all parents and members of our community for your continued support. We hope you have a great summer.

Rewards Days 22 and 23 June 2015

We are looking forward to our rewards days on Monday and Tuesday.  Pupils will be rewarded as follows –

Platinum = Activity choice 1 and activity choice 2 and DVD

Gold = Activity choice 1 (or DVD) plus activity choice 2

Silver = Activity choice 1 (or DVD)  plus ½ of activity choice 2

Bronze = Activity choice 1

P1-P3 Rewards Day takes place on Monday  22 June as follows –

2/6/15 Primary 1a & 1b Primary 2/3 Primary 2 & 3
9.00-10.15 Activity choice 2 DVD Activity choice 1
10.45-12.00pm DVD Activity choice 2 DVD
1.15-2.30pm Activity choice 1 Activity choice 1 Activity choice 2

The activity choices for P1-3 are Golden Time with Ms Scott, Cartoon Drawing with Ms Hendry, ICT with Mrs McLeod, Construction with Mrs Inglis, Loombands/Jewellery with Ms Lalmy, and Dance/Cheerleading with Mrs Green.

P4-P7 Rewards Day takes place on Tues 23 June as follows –

23/6/15 Primary 4 & 4/5 Primary 5/6 & 7 Primary 5 & 6/7
9.00-10.15am Activity choice 2 DVD Activity choice 1
10.45-12.00pm DVD Activity choice 2 DVD
1.15-2.30pm Activity choice 1 Activity choice 1 Activity choice 2

The activity choices for P4 -7 are Nail/Pamper with Ms O’Neill, Golden Time with Ms McGhee, ICT with Mrs Quinn, Art with Ms Brunton, Painting with Ms McIntosh and Loombands with Mrs Charles.

We hope that everyone has a lovely time!

Summer Service 24 June 2015

We are preparing for our Summer Service, which will be held on 24 June from 9.30 -10.30. All parents/carers are welcome to attend and tea and coffees will be available in the hall from 9am onwards.

The draft programme is detailed below –

Our Infant Choir will start off the service by singing  ‘The Banana Song’, ‘Frozen In Summer’ and ‘Never Miss A Beat’.

Then we have a very special performance from a  band called Midnight Sketch Band. They will perform covers of  ‘Boulevard of Broken Dreams’ and ‘Live Forever’. The band members are at Chryston High School and 3 out of 4 of them are former Glenmanor pupils!

Perfect Attendance Certificates  will be awarded to 13 of our pupils.

We will then share the names of the P7 School Cups winners and the pupils can hold up their cups again in front of all the pupils. The winner of Robert Burns World Federation Primary School Art Competition will also show off their cup.

Our School Chaplain Mark McKeown will talk about New Beginnings.

Next our Parent Council Presentation will take place, where the pupils will be presented with school ties and autograph books and pens.

Our Senior Choir will sing ‘Higher Than Higher’ and ‘See You Again’

We will then say ‘Goodbye and Good Luck’ to Staff leaving Glenmanor.

The Summer Service will end with both Infant and Senior Choirs singing ‘Uptown Funk’ together.