Summer Service 24 June 2015

To help celebrate a very successful year pupils, staff, parents and members of the community came together to recognise our achievements and say goodbye and good luck to P7 and Mrs McLeod. We were entertained by both our junior and senior choirs.  “Midnight Sketch” who are a band from Chryston High performed two songs.

Pupils with perfect attendance were recognised with a certificate. Our school Chaplain, Mark McKeown spoke warmly to our P7’s about moving on and new beginnings.

Mrs Karen Wallace and Mrs Jackie Holmes from our Parent Council presented every P7 with a tie for high school, an autograph book, pen and a photograph from their P7 party. Thank you to the Parent Council for their continued hard work and dedication to raising money and supporting our school.

Mrs McLeod was presented with flowers from the Parent Council, a special book containing a good luck message from every child in the school and flowers from staff.

Thank you to all parents and members of our community for your continued support. We hope you have a great summer.

One thought on “Summer Service 24 June 2015”

  1. You are welcome Mrs Martin!
    On behalf of the Parent Council I would like to wish the P.7’s good luck as they start off on their new adventures in high school. I hope everyone and have a great summer and the staff have a relaxing holiday! See you all in August! 😉

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