Category Archives: news



Greenfaulds High School will be hosting the annual Burns Supper on Friday 26th January 2018 at 7.00pm in. Entertainment will be provided by staff and senior pupils and a warm welcome is extended to former pupils and members of staff who wish to join us. Tickets priced £10.00 include a traditional Burns Supper and are available by contacting the school on 01236 794876 or from The School Captain Team.


S2 Reports are due to be issued on Monday 22 January.


Greenfaulds High School would like to invite parents of S2 pupils to a meeting with the school’s Senior Management team on Tuesday 30th January at 7.00pm. The aim of the evening is to inform parents and pupils of the choices that are open to them as pupils progress with their Curriculum for Excellence courses.


A Parent’s evening will be held on Tuesday 6th February, 4.15 – 6.45pm.


Could all parents of S3 pupils please note that the monitoring reports for this year-group will be issued on Wednesday 31 January. The report is a short summary of how your child is performing in each of their subject areas. Would you please sign and return the tear off slip at the bottom of the report to confirm you have seen it.


Greenfaulds will be closed on Monday 12th February and Tuesday 13th February for the mid-term holiday and Wednesday 14th February for a school in-service day. Greenfaulds re-opens to pupils on Thursday 15th February as normal.


Departments and staff within Greenfaulds High School offer a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @



The school will close on Friday 22 December at 2.30pm for the Christmas holidays and re-open on Monday 8 January as normal. The staff at Greenfaulds would like to take this opportunity to wish pupils, parents and the local community season’s greetings as we approach the festive period.


Congratulations to the pupils in S1 and S2 who won the technical STEM challenge in Conjunction with LOVELL construction. Every pupil worked hard to create their structures and their efforts paid off.


We are absolutely delighted to say that our Gaelic Rock band, Làn Chomais, will be releasing their debut single on Thursday 7th December. The song is a brand new Gaelic Christmas song called ‘S e Nolloag a th’ ann! (It’s Christmas!) and, as well as the band, it features backing vocals from over 1000 pupils!

All of S1, 2 & 3 here at Greenfaulds were recorded, as were every pupil in Condorrat Primary and in Baird Memorial Primary.  The track is phenomenal and is somewhat of a departure for traditional Gaelic song!

Làn Chomais are;

Emily Robertson – Vocals / Piano

Jessica Muir – Fiddle

Eilidh Miller – Clarsach

Ava MacKonnon – Drums / Flute / Vocals

Craig Yule – Guitar

Jacob Spence also guests with the band on Bass for this track.

‘S e Nollaig a th’ ann! Will be available from Thursday 7th Dec for download from ITunes, Amazon, Google and Spotify. If enough people download the song we may just have a GHS band in the Scottish Christmas Download Charts!!!!


In the run up to the Prelims that will be held in January, supported study is offered by staff on a voluntary basis.

Subject Level Teacher Room Time
PE practical All national 4/5/higher All PE dept Every lunchtime and Mon-Wed after school
Art & Design



All national 4/5/higher



Ms Armstrong

Ms Fleming

Mr Daniels





All lunchtimes


Tuesday 3.34 – 4.45 S018 Miss Fleming

Wednesday 2.55 – 3.55 S018 Miss Fleming

Thursday 3.45 – 4.45 S021 Mr Daniels

Biology N5 Mr Meikle S030 Monday PM
French Higher Mrs Sutherland S037 Mondays lunchtimes
Administration Nat 5 for my S4/S5 Ms Buchanan SO53 Thursday at lunchtime
Geography National 5 Miss Beach FO44 Thursday’s after school 3.45-4.30pm
Accounting Higher Mrs Stubbs S054 See Mrs Stubbs for time and days
English Higher Ms Cameron F006 Thursday of each week from 3.45-4.30.  Running until the prelim.
Maths All levels


Nat 5 class teacher.






All See teacher for room Monday after school/Friday lunch.

Monday/Tuesday After school and per individual teacher.

Monday or as per individual teachers preference.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Business Management N5 Mrs Walker SO55 Wednesdays after school.
Business Management, Administration ALL Mrs Shoemark SO56 Drop in Thursday and Friday Lunchtimes
English N5 Mrs Duffy’s class F004 Tuesdays from 3.45 until 4.30

Graphic Comm

Design and Make

All All Tech Dept Drop in Monday to Thursday Lunchtimes workshop will be arranged nearer the time of assignments
Computing science Nat 5 Ms Reilly S052/53 Wednesday, 3-4pm in S076.
Psychology Higher Miss McBride F001 Thursdays after school 3.45-5pm
Drama Supported Study National 5 and Higher Mr Gillespie Drama Thursdays 3.45- 5pm (from start of next term)


Departments and staff within Greenfaulds High School offer a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @



A Parents Evening for S5/6 pupils will take Tuesday 12 December. The evening starts at 6:00pm and runs until 8:30pm. We look forward to seeing as many parents there as possible.


We hope that all those who attended our P7 Open Evening last week found it helpful and informative. If however, you were unable to come along and have any queries regarding the transition to Greenfaulds High next session, please contact Mrs Eileen McLoughlin Depute Headteacher on 01236 794876


This year’s annual GHS performing arts Christmas Concert will take place on the 7th of December in the school theatre at 7pm. The night will showcase the wide and varied talents of our pupils including performances from our Junior and Senior Wind Bands, Jazz Band, Traditional Band, Rock Band, S1 and 2 vocal group, Gaelic Rock Band Lan Comais and the finale of a combined chorus made up of the primary 7 pupils from our local primary schools. Tickets go on sale soon and will be extremely limited so grab yours soon and join us for a festive extravaganza!


On Friday 10th November the Maths Department ran a visit to Howden. The focus of the visit was to inform students of ‘Careers in Maths’.  Howden are a global engineering company who focus on the design and manufacture of air and gas handling products such as fans and compressors. The experience involved a guided tour of their factory, information on careers in engineering and kindly served us with a pizza lunch. The trip was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all.


Leah Stewart in 4KR1 was recently awarded her black belt in karate at the National competition in Largs. Well done Leah, we are all proud of you.


First and Second years have been selected by their Technical teachers to take part in a STEM competition which is in partnership with LOVELL construction.  Pupils have been asked to bring in their rubbish to help recreate famous landmarks.  S1 have been given the challenge of the three bridges: Queensferry, Forth Road and Forth Rail.  S1 are recreating landmarks from the Glasgow Skyline: Hydro, Finnieston Crane, Riverside Museum and the Squinty Bridge.


Over 100 S2 pupils from the Geography department took part in a trip to Amazonia on Tuesday 7th November at M&Ds to learn more about the tropical rainforest as they have been leaning about this in class. Pupils got the opportunity to explore what animals live in the rainforest and had a handling session with some including a dragon, gecko, tortoise and snake. They were also given a guided tour of Amazonia and took part in some interactive games. Pupils were encouraged to ask questions and experience the hot, humid climate of the rainforest. They also played bowling. Thanks to all teachers who came on the trip. It was a fantastic day which all pupils really enjoyed!


Departments and staff within Greenfaulds High School offer a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @



Over 100 S2 pupils from the Geography department took part in a trip to Amazonia on Tuesday 7th November at M&Ds to learn more about the tropical rainforest as they have been leaning about this in class. Pupils got the opportunity to explore what animals live in the rainforest and had a handling session with some including a dragon, gecko, tortoise and snake. They were also given a guided tour of Amazonia and took part in some interactive games. Pupils were encouraged to ask questions and experience the hot, humid climate of the rainforest. They also played bowling. Thanks to all teachers who came on the trip. It was a fantastic day which all pupils really enjoyed!


Aaron McCracken from S1 attended the World Championships for Team Scotland Kick Boxing recently that were held in Italy. Aaron performed amazingly and achieved a Bronze Medal in what was a huge category with terrific competition. Team Scotland Kick Boxing had a team of 25 fighters and managed 35 Gold, 16 Silver and 8 Bronze medals which they proudly brought home with them. Aaron also won Bronze in the teams, which was a great achievement. A big well done to the team and in particular to our Aaron.


This year’s annual GHS Performing Arts Christmas Concert will take place on the 7th of December in the school theatre at 7pm. The night will showcase the wide and varied talents of our pupils including performances from our Junior and Senior Wind Bands, Jazz Band, Traditional Band, Rock Band, S1 and S2 vocal group, Gaelic Rock Band Lan Comais and the finale of a combined chorus made up of the primary 7 pupils from our local primary schools. Tickets go on sale soon and will be extremely limited so grab yours soon and join us for a festive extravaganza!


First and Second years have been selected by their Technical teachers to take part in a STEM competition which is in partnership with LOVELL construction.  Pupils have been asked to bring in their rubbish to help recreate famous landmarks.  S1 have been given the challenge of the three bridges: Queensferry, Forth Road and Forth Rail.  S1 are recreating landmarks from the Glasgow Skyline: Hydro, Finnieston Crane, Riverside Museum and the Squinty Bridge.


Departments and staff within Greenfaulds High School offer a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @



Aaron McCracken from S1 attended the World Championships for Team Scotland Kick Boxing recently that were held in Italy. Aaron performed amazingly and achieved a Bronze Medal in what was a huge category with terrific competition. Team Scotland Kick Boxing had a team of 25 fighters and managed 35 Gold, 16 Silver and 8 Bronze medals which they proudly brought home with them. Aaron also won Bronze in the teams, which was a great achievement. A big well done to the team and in particular to our Aaron.


The Craft Club will be selling their goods at parents evenings and on our open evenings within the school. The pupil’s had a very successful evening during the recent S1 parents evening and hopefully will have another successful evening during the P7 open evening which takes place Thursday 16 November.


First and Second years have been selected by their Technical teachers to take part in a STEM competition which is in partnership with LOVELL construction.  Pupils have been asked to bring in their rubbish to help recreate famous landmarks.  S1 have been given the challenge of the three bridges: Queensferry, Forth Road and Forth Rail.  S1 are recreating landmarks from the Glasgow Skyline: Hydro, Finnieston Crane, Riverside Museum and the Squinty Bridge.


The finalists event at Edinburgh Zoo for the Arc Trust Amazing Animals Competition took place on Saturday 21 October. Amy O’Keefe S4 was placed 1st in her category and Kyle Diack S3 was placed 3rd in his. This is a National competition with hundreds of entries, Amy and Kyle have done exceptionally well. Amy and Kyle both received prizes and will have their artwork published in a book edited by Dr Minting of ARC.


Miss Armstrong visited Redburn School in Cumbernauld on Monday the 9th of October to run an art workshop with some of the pupils as part of the Heritage Lottery Fund Roman project ‘A Sense of Place’ at GHS. The pupils used a variety of materials; including crayons, paints and oil pastels, to create a Roman feast. They worked very hard to add mark-making, such as spots and lines, to card and wooden cut-out shapes of fish, fruit, chicken legs and utensils. Then the pupils used paint brushes, fingers and sponges to add colour, pattern and texture. Everyone had lots of fun and the artwork looked great! Redburn School and Nursery is a school in Cumbernauld that caters for pupils with a wide range of abilities and additional support needs.


A class of Higher English pupils recently attended Motherwell theatre to see a superb production of “A Streetcar Named Desire”.  Rapture theatre’s Creative Director visited the school on 13th October to work one-to-one with the pupils giving them a rare insight into the characters, the setting and how a play is directed.  Both the play and the workshop were enjoyed immensely.


Parents of P7 pupils are invited to an Open Evening for P7 Pupils and Parents on Thursday 16 Nov at 7pm for a ‘walk round’ of the school where they will ‘follow a timetable’. All prospective parents and pupils for next year’s First Year are invited to attend on that evening.


Departments and staff within Greenfaulds High School offer a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @



The finalists event at Edinburgh Zoo for the Arc Trust Amazing Animals Competition took place on Saturday 21 October. Amy O’Keefe S4 was placed 1st in her category and Kyle Diack S3 was placed 3rd in his. This is a National competition with hundreds of entries, Amy and Kyle have done exceptionally well. Amy and Kyle both received prizes and will have their artwork published in a book edited by Dr Minting of ARC.


Miss Armstrong visited Redburn School in Cumbernauld on Monday the 9th of October to run an art workshop with some of the pupils as part of the Heritage Lottery Fund Roman project ‘A Sense of Place’ at GHS. The pupils used a variety of materials; including crayons, paints and oil pastels, to create a Roman feast. They worked very hard to add mark-making, such as spots and lines, to card and wooden cut-out shapes of fish, fruit, chicken legs and utensils. Then the pupils used paint brushes, fingers and sponges to add colour, pattern and texture. Everyone had lots of fun and the artwork looked great! Redburn School and Nursery is a school in Cumbernauld that caters for pupils with a wide range of abilities and additional support needs.


A class of Higher English pupils recently attended Motherwell theatre to see a superb production of “A Streetcar Named Desire”.  Rapture theatre’s Creative Director visited the school on 13th October to work one-to-one with the pupils giving them a rare insight into the characters, the setting and how a play is directed.  Both the play and the workshop were enjoyed immensely.


The S1 Parent’s Evening will take place on Wednesday 1 November. The evening will begin at 15:30 and finish at 18:00. Pupils have all been issued with an appointments sheet to arrange times with staff.


Parents of P7 pupils are invited to an Open Evening for P7 Pupils and Parents on Thursday 16 Nov at 7pm for a ‘walk round’ of the school where they will ‘follow a timetable’. All prospective parents and pupils for next year’s First Year are invited to attend on that evening.


Departments and staff within Greenfaulds High School offer a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @



Congratulations to Rebekah Cooper S4 who has been selected to represent the Central region against the West region on Wednesday 15th November at St Andrews Academy, Paisley. After this game, selectors will choose a final squad to compete in this years’ National Trophy.


Lea Kirchhnof, aged 23, came to Greenfaulds High School from Bad Kreuznach near Frankfurt in Germany to study English and teach German for her University course. She attends Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. There are 20-30 students who have also came to Scotland to study the same thing so that they can all get their teaching degrees. They will be staying here for 7 months in total.

She also works in Cumbernauld Academy twice a week. There are primary pupils who come in and Lea teaches them German. She likes teaching primary school children because she worked in a primary school for a year for her work experience back in Germany before she started studying in University. She says “I like teaching German and making it fun and positive for the students”

Lea says “School systems are different, in Germany, the teachers move from class to class not the students and pupils don’t have to wear uniform”. Also exams in Germany are different to exams in Scotland however she has only taught in the modern languages department so she doesn’t know about any other subjects.

When Lea moves back to Germany and has finished her 5 years at University she says she will get her Master’s degree in teaching and work in a secondary school teaching German, English, Biology and Geography.

Lea is currently staying in Glasgow because she likes living in a big city so she can go sightseeing. She lives in a small village back home so living in the city is a good experience for her. She uses public transport to get around places because she enjoys travelling.  She says “I like Scotland because everyone is very welcoming and I like Scotland’s culture. Even in shops people are very nice and friendly.” Lea says that she would maybe consider living in Scotland in the future because she likes to experience people learning her own language as a second language.

When Lea started learning English 13 years ago she says she found it difficult at the start, just like it is to learn any foreign language but it got easier as she practiced more. Please note that this article was written by Hanna Dyer and Abby Whitehill, two of our Senior Linguists.



We are delighted to say that Làn Comas have been nominated for a Trad Award. The band, made up of young Gàidhlig speakers from Greenfaulds High School in North Lanarkshire have worked tirelessly since coming together. They came together after Daoine Òga Lannraig a Tuath aquirred funding from Bòrd na Gàidhlig and North Lanarkshire Council in order to offer young people the opportunity to develop skills and use them in a Gaelic context. A recognition of this sort would mean so much to them, as well as providing huge encouragement to other young people in the area to continue in their use of our language.

Lan Comas, can be nominated in the Best Community Project category and we would appreciate it if you could nominate them by following the link below and inserting “Lan Comas (Greenfaulds High School)” in the Community Project of the Year category.

The Scots Trad Music Awards nominations are currently open, however close on Friday 13th October.


The school will close on Friday 13 October at 14:55 for the October break and reopen as normal on Monday 23 October at normal time.


Departments and staff within Greenfaulds High School offer a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @



The S3 Achieve group from Greenfaulds High School organised a MacMillan Coffee Morning as part of the world’s biggest coffee morning last Friday on the 29th of September.

We ended up raising a grand total £649.16 with help from teachers and local supermarkets handing in cakes to sell.

A raffle was drawn with a variety of prizes for the teachers which we sold for £1 a strip. While in class organising the event we made our own decorations and put up posters with the information pupils needed to know to buy the delicious cakes being sold on the day.

The morning would not have been such a success without the effort and dedication from the pupils; B’ELanna Anderson, Holly McAllister, Dione McAllister, Lucy Adams, Cole Hamilton, Tristan Irvine and Innes Mclaren.

We would like to mention the help from the core skills group and the teachers; Miss Buchanan and Mrs Lindsay Hoy.


The school will close on Friday 13 October at 14:55 for the October break and reopen as normal on Monday 23 October at normal time.


Departments and staff within Greenfaulds High School offer a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @



Greenfaulds music department was delighted to be selected to provide performers for the final dinner as part of the Scottish Learning Festival.

Senior pupils Ava MacKinnon, Craig Yule and Jessica Muir performed a 30-minute set including traditional Scottish music and Gaelic song.

The event took place at the house for an art lover at Bellahouston Park and featured deputy first minister John Swinney and friends who were full of praise for the standard of the performance and talent on show. Well done everyone involved. 


Congratulations go to Kyle Diack S3 and Amy O’Keefe S4 for being selected as finalists in a national competition organised by the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ARC) Trust. Children aged 8-18 were asked to paint, draw or write about 15 iconic Scottish species, ranging from Scottish wildcats and red deer to great crested newts.

ARC’s patron and TV presenter Chris Packham said: “There are some very striking, imaginative and colourful artworks… and some tremendous essays describing these wonderful animals.”

Kyle and Amy have been invited to attend an awards day at RZSS Edinburgh Zoo on Saturday 21st October 2017, hosted by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS). The final results will be declared on the day, and all of the finalists will receive prizes. Kyle and Amy will have their artwork published in a new book “Amazing Animals, Brilliant Science: how DNA technology is being used to help save Scotland’s wildlife”. The book is being compiled by Dr Pete Minting of ARC. He hopes that it will inspire more people to develop an interest in science and wildlife conservation. 


The Parent Council would like to invite you along to their forthcoming event which will take place on Friday 6 October. Doors open at 7pm for a 7:30pm start. Come and grab a bargain with many High Street names with 50% off with clothing available to try on and buy. There will be a raffle with lots of fantastic prizes to be won. Tickets cost £5 and include a “refreshment”, available from the school office. Come along and support your local High School.


Departments and staff within Greenfaulds High School offer a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @