All posts by Mr Harris

Foundation Apprenticeships Presentation

Skills Development Scotland and the  National Parent Forum of Scotland are arranging a session on Foundation Apprenticeships for parents and carers on Tuesday 14th December from 7pm-8pm.

This session gives the opportunity to find out about Foundation Apprenticeships including who they’re for, how they work and their benefits. During this one hour session we’ll talk through the value and equivalency of the qualification in terms of SCQF levels and UCAS points. We’ll also share pupil journeys and how Foundation Apprenticeships helped them progress onto a job such as a Modern or Graduate Apprenticeship, college or university. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions at the end.

Link to Eventbrite registration below.

Primary 7 Information Evening

Dear P7 Parent/Carer

P7 Information Evening

We would like to invite you to attend our parents/carers virtual information evening for P7 pupils transitioning to Greenfaulds HS in August 2022. The online meeting will take place on Wednesday 24th November from 6.30pm until 7.15pm. The meeting can be accessed on the evening using the link below or by scanning the QR code. We will also post this on our school website closer to the time. We look forward to seeing you then.

S1 Online Parents’ Evening

Welcome to our step-by-step guide to help you set up and book your appointments for the S1 on-line Parents Evening which will take place on Tuesday 30th November from 4.30pm. We look forward to being able to meet with parents/Carers and provide information on the progress of your child at this stage. Please note that teachers are limited to 30 appointments and, where they may have more than one S1 class, it may not be possible to see every teacher. This however would be no different from face-to-face appointments. In order to maximise the number of appointments for all pupils we have limited the number of bookings available to 10 per child. We look forward to seeing you on the night however if you have any questions or issues logging on and making bookings, please contact the school office and we will try our best to deal with them at the time, or to follow up on them immediately afterwards.   

Kind regards 

Karen Adler DHT S1 

Step 1 Logging on to the system: 

To login to the system, please use the following link:  

Do not log in using the Mygovscot tab but instead log in using your first name, surname and email. Please note this must match the main contact details we have on record for you. 

You should then enter Your child’s first name, surname and date of birth 


Remember the booking system to make your appointments will NOT open until 6.00 pm on Tuesday 23rd November.   

You can continue to make appointment until it closes at 8.50 am on Tuesday 30th November i.e. the morning of the Parents Evening. 

Should you have any issue with logging in, please contact the school for assistance.   

Step 2 – Making Appointments. 

Once you have logged in you can now make appointments. 

Click on suggest bookings for me. Suggest Bookings for Me will let you choose the teachers you want to book (across multiple students, if applicable), and asks when you are available for appointments. The system then calculates the most efficient order for your appointments, and you have 5mins to confirm (or adjust) these.  

Once bookings have all been made you can print or e-mail an appointment confirmation. 

Step 3- Joining the Video Meetings 

On the day of the Parents Evening, you will need to login to the website address again, some 10 minutes before your appointments are due to begin.  You will then be able to join the video meeting room, where you can wait for your appointment(s) to start.  You will be taken into each appointment automatically and the appointment will also end automatically after 5 minutes.  

Internet Browser Compatibility:    

You must use one of the listed device and internet browser combinations for the video meeting technology to work:   

  • Android phone/tablet: Chrome or Firefox   
  • Linux computer: Chrome or Firefox   
  • Microsoft Surface: Chrome or Firefox   
  • Mac computer: Safari, Chrome or Firefox   
  • Windows computer: Chrome, Firefox or Edge (Chromium)   
  • Apple iPhone/iPad (iOS 11+): Safari   

Troubleshooting Tips: 

  • If you cannot login or are unable to make appointments at home, please contact the school office.   
  • The email address field entered is only used to send your appointment confirmation. If you have problems logging in, it will not be because of the e-mail address you entered.  

Please Click Here for Frequently Asked Questions

Online Parents’ Evening Info

All parents of S5/6 pupils should have received a set of  staged letters via text/email taking you through the process of signing up, logging in and booking appointments on the online Parents’ Evening system.

Hopefully you have managed to work your way through the process and you are ready for tomorrow night’s online video appointments.

As a final step we have included 2 links below, one with frequently asked questions and one with some instructions for the evening itself.

Click Here: Parents Evenings FAQ

Click Here: Video Call Information for Parents


Ordering Photographs

Pupils in S1, S2, S5 and S6 plus family groups have had the opportunity to have their photographs taken on Thursday the 28th of October.

All pupils in the above groups were issued with a card as shown below:

Due to Covid restrictions we require all orders to be placed online.

You are required to register online following the steps on the card, each card has an  access code for individual pupils that will allow you to view the proofs online prior to ordering.  There is NO obligation to buy photographs. Family photographs, if taken, will be added to one of your child’s collection of photos.

Should your child have lost the card our school office has a copy of each pupil’s access code.

The company has advised us that it will be a minimum of 10 days before proofs are available online as they spend a considerable time editing to ensure the best quality photographs.

Eco Committee: Meatless Monday

Monday 1st November will be MEATLESS MONDAY in our school canteen! But don’t worry our catering manager has been working on a delicious menu so that there will be plenty of tasty alternatives for you to enjoy!

Eating a meat based diet isn’t great for the environment as animals – especially cows – create tonnes of methane each year

Methane is one of the dangerous greenhouse gases responsible for climate change

Eating meat amounts to 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Changing to a plant based diet – even just for one day a week – can really help reduce demand for meat & therefore reduce the number of animals we farm

Raising animals is also responsible for huge deforestation across the globe – so by giving up meat you can make such a difference to your carbon footprint since trees absorb CO2 – another dangerous greenhouse gas!

We have compiled a digital recipe book based on tried and tested recommended recipes submitted by pupils and staff from Greenfaulds High School in support of our Climate Emergency Action Week. It is available for free download here to help support families in switching to a plant based diet in an effort to reduce carbon footprint.

We hope that you enjoy these delicious recipes and manage to substitute at least one of your meals each week with a meat free meal. Who knows, you may even manage to make the full switch to a plant based diet – saving your wallet, health AND our fabulous Planet!

Everyone loves a food pic! So don’t forget to enter our Marvellous Meatless Meals food photography competition by Tweeting a photo of your Marvellous Meat Free Meal to @ghsecocommittee and we’ll retweet! Most likes = wins! Who knows who you’ll inspire – saving the Planet from even more methane gas!

Click Here: GHS Marvellous Meatless Meals Digital Recipe Book

Healthcare Career Event S1-S3

For any S1-3 pupils who are interested in a career in healthcare

Medic Insight Glasgow are hosting an ‘Exploring Careers in Healthcare’ event on the 20th of October at 7pm on Zoom. This event is primarily aimed at S1-S3 students, but any interested students are welcome to attend. The purpose of this event is to give students an idea of the different career options available within healthcare.

The event will consist of short 10-minute talks from different healthcare professionals (Doctor, Nurse, Pharmacist, Paramedic and Dentist) detailing what their job involves, why they decided to enter their chosen career path and how they got to where they are. There will also be a short Q&A panel with the speakers for pupils to ask any questions they may have.

The link below is to the Registration Form, also accessible through the poster QR code, which must be completed by each student to receive the event zoom link.

Musical Instrument Tuition

Dear Parent / Guardian.

If your child has expressed an interest in learning to play a musical instrument after watching some short videos/discussion with their music teacher please fill out the electronic form which can be accessed from the link below.

All instrumental lessons are now free. We require your permission to give a musical instrument trial and ask you to return permission electronically on the aforementioned form.

Pupils will have the opportunity to try out for musical instrument tuition over the coming weeks, and, if successful, your child will be offered a place on a tutor’s timetable. There is a limitation on places but If numbers are high, we shall add pupil names to a waiting list.

Some instruments may have to be hired such as brass or woodwind. However, we do have some of these instruments in school, these will be issued at the discretion of the Music Department. Some instruments can be purchased through the school without paying VAT. Please make any enquiries to the Principal Teacher.

Closing date to return the form is the 19th of September.

Click Here to Access the Microsoft Form

Below are some video links to the different instruments on offer for tuition. Click on the instrument to access the video.









 Side drum  

Clarsach (Scottish harp)
