All posts by Mr Harris

Be On Time Focus Week

The 21st-25th October is our ‘BE ON TIME’ FOCUS WEEK at Greenfaulds High School. All students should arrive at school by 08.50am ready to start Period 1 at 08.55am.

There is a clear link between good attendance/time keeping and fulfilling potential at school. The challenge is for our pupils to be on time every day! House points will be awarded to the House Group with the smallest number of lates.

Feeding the Fussy & Family Gym

As part of the promotion for Health & Well Being,  Feeding the Fussy One and the Family Gym Block start back on Tuesday 22nd October at 4pm.

If anyone is interested in getting more information or signing up to either of these Parent/Pupil workshops please contact Mrs Doyle.

School Photographs

Proofs and pricing information for the recent photographs will be distributed to S1, S5/6 and sibling groups today. The photography company we utilised was Colorfoto, who are widely used across the North Lanarkshire Local Authority. There is no obligation to purchase any photographs.

For full details please click on link to letter

Click Here: Photographs

Parent Council AGM

The Parent Council AGM will take place in the school at 6:30pm on Monday 23rd September. All parents and carers are welcome to attend.

Note that there is presently 1 vacancy (Treasurer) on Greenfaulds High School Parent Council. As a member of the school’s Parent Forum, you are entitled to put yourself forward for membership of the Parent Council. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Parent Council, please inform the school by no later than Friday 20th September.

Please note that if the number of interested parents/guardians exceeds the number of places available then members will be decided (as per our constitution, point 11) by each parent member at the meeting having one vote, with the Chair having a casting vote in the event of a tie.

School Photographs

School photographs are scheduled for Friday the 30th of August this year as per the school calendar.  As in previous years, S1, S5 & S6 will have the opportunity to be photographed as individuals with S1 pupils also being photographed in class groups. In addition all S6 pupils will be involved in a full year group photograph.

There will be an opportunity for parents of new S1 pupils to request a family photograph with their siblings. Please fill in the tear off slip found in the parental letter at the bottom of the page and return it to the school office if you wish a family photograph.

The company providing the service this year is ColorFoto, they provide a fully integrated online system to order the photographs. The school would ask that parents order the photographs online, pupils are issued with these details on the day of the photo shoot. If this is not possible please contact the school office.

There is no obligation to buy but we do require all pupils to be photographed for school records. Pupils are expected to be in full school uniform for photographs and we would appreciate your continued support in this matter.

Click Here for Parent Letter

SQA Results

Candidates will receive their certificates by first class post on Tuesday 6 August 2019. If registered for MySQA, they will also receive texts/emails from 8 am that day.

Candidates can register for MySQA at .To do this, they will need their Scottish Candidate Number and an e-mail address. To receive their results by text or e-mail, candidates must register for a MySQA account by 5 pm on Tuesday 16 July 2019, and activate their MySQA account by 5 pm on Wednesday 17 July 2019.