School News


Greenfaulds High School welcomes back all staff and pupils after the summer holidays.

NEW SESSION: First Year Pupils

The start of the school year has begun particularly smoothly with Greenfaulds welcoming the new first year pupils to the school. All the new pupils seem to have settled quickly and well into the school’s daily routine. With all new pupils looking extremely smart in their new uniforms the school would like to thank parents for their support in promoting a positive ethos by helping enforce the school’s dress code.


The English Department would like to make young writers aware of a great opportunity to develop their own creative skills and meet others who share their interests. For more information, please visit We would love to know if you decide to get involved!

Parents and Carers are also welcome to check out the ‘Parent Zone’ page of the English Department’s website for information on course structures and assessment, as advice with how to help with Critical Writing at home. Supplementary homework tasks are also available on the site.


Ms Beach and Ms Morrow would love to see pupils at their Geography club which takes place every Wednesday at lunchtime in F044. Activities will include designing and creating your own volcanoes, creating your own recycling bins and trips. These are just a few things that we have in mind and we look forward to seeing you there.


S1 lunch club is now on for first years in G092. This is a supervised club that’s on each day where first years can bring their lunch and play games and meet new people. Hope to see you there.

Breakfast club is now up and running for all pupils at 8.30 am each morning in G091. Pick up something to eat and meet up with friends. See you there.


All music and drama clubs have now begun, as follows:

Monday lunchtime                 – Vocal Group, all welcome

Tuesday lunchtime                 – Music Practice Club

Wednesday lunchtime            – S1/2 Drama Club

– School of Rock Club

Wednesday after school         – Junior, Senior and Trad Bands

– Higher Drama supported study

Thursday lunchtime               – Music Practice Club

Thursday after school            – Pantomime Group

See your teacher for more details!


Below you will find a list of Exra Curriculur clubs which are available. If you are interested in joining any of these please come along and/or speak to your P.E teacher.


Trampolining Lunchtime (starting next term)

S1-3 Football Lunchtime

Badminton Lunchtime


Volleyball Afterschool (3.45-4.45)


Dance  Lunchtime

Cycling Lunchtime

Volleyball Lunchtime

Girls Football After School

S3-6 Netball Afterschool


Gymnastics Lunchtime

S1/2 Netball (Lunchtime)

Pupils & parents can get more information by following us on instagram & twitter at: GHSpedepartment


As can be seen from the sample above, Greenfaulds will be offering a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @