We received a letter from Pete the Dragon. He is asking for our help to read all of the stories in Fairy Tale Land.
October 2, 2018
by Mrs Kerr
October 2, 2018
by Mrs Kerr
October 2, 2018
by Mrs Kerr
Primary 1 have been having so much fun developing our gross motor skills in outdoor gym.
September 28, 2018
by Mrs Curran
September 28, 2018
by Mrs MacKenzie
Please click the link below to access our September newsletter.
September 28, 2018
by Mrs MacKenzie
September 27, 2018
by Miss Connelly
Primary 2a & Primary 2b had a great day at the Scottish Owl Centre. We have been learning about owls as part of our IDL topic and it was great to see them in real life. We also really enjoyed the park!
September 26, 2018
by Mrs Kerr
Cumbernauld Colts Community Football Club are excited to announce that we have teamed up with SSE the Scottish FA and Scottish Women’s National Team star Lee Alexander to offer the “Lee Alexander Soccer Centre in Partnership with Cumbernauld Colts”.
This girls-only session is available for females from P1-7 and will take place on the Broadwood Stadium main pitch from 5-6pm on Tuesdays.
The sessions will cater for players of all abilities and will commence on Tuesday October 30th 2018, shortly after Active Girls Day on October 5th.
Further information on these sessions can be found at the link below:
As part of our promotion for the Soccer Centre, we are offering free football sessions for P1-7 girls throughout September, October and November with coaches from our #ColtsInTheCommunity team.
Our experienced staff include primary school teachers and UEFA-qualified and ASN/Disability-trained coaches, some of whom have worked in countries across the world. There is limited availability for these so quick booking is advised to avoid disappointment!
If these free taster sessions are of interest to your school, please get in touch asap on admin@cumbernauld-colts.com or 07491956661.
September 25, 2018
by Mrs Kerr
Tryst Lions Wrestling Club, who have received NLC Club Accreditation, offer pupils from 6 years of age the opportunity to train and compete in the sport of Olympic Wrestling in the heart of Cumbernauld.
Please see the attached flier for more information
September 25, 2018
by Mrs Kerr
Hello Everyone,
Thank you to all parents who attended the Primary 1 workshop, it was a great success.
As mentioned at the workshop, homework will be collected in on a Friday. All communication will take place via the red homework bags so can we please ask that these are brought to school each day.
We also ask that reading books and spell boxes are in the homework bags and brought to school each day for follow up tasks in class.
Thank you for all your help and support
Mrs Kerr, Mrs Canning and Mrs Steven
P1 Term 1 Home Partnership 2018
September 25, 2018
by Mrs MacKenzie
We’re very excited to be welcoming top athlete Jade Nimmo to the school on Thursday, 04 October 2018.
Jade Nimmo will be leading a sponsored fitness circuit with all pupils, and will follow-up with a talk and question and answer session. The aim of the event is to inspire the pupils to take up sport generally, but just as importantly to encourage them to discover and then pursue their passion in life.
As the sponsorship form and online sponsorship page explain, much of the money that is raised will be used to buy sports equipment for the school, while also supporting GB athletes (including Paralympic athletes).
Please ensure that sponsorship forms and moneys are returned to the school office 1 week after the event has taken place (Thursday 11th October 2018).
Please also make sure that your child/children come to school on the event day wearing their PE Kit.
Thank you in anticipation of creating a terrific and memorable event.