Cumbernauld Primary School

Cumbernauld Academy P7-S1 Information Evening


From Mr Mark Cairns (HT at Cumbernauld Academy)

We look forward to your child joining us in Cumbernauld Academy in August 2018.

To date a range of opportunities have been provided to help young people get to know a little bit about secondary school, in particular our recent 4 week transition block where the pupils got to participate in a number of lessons.

We would like to invite you to our S1 information evening on THURSDAY 11 JANUARY at 7pm at the school.  This evening will focus on sharing information regarding our transition programme, the curriculum, school procedures and all relevant information regarding your child’s transfer to Cumbernauld Academy. In addition we will provide an update on the new build.

Can I also take this opportunity to encourage you to sign up to our school website.  There is an area on the website which allows you to sign up for alerts which will inform you of everything that is happening in the school.




I look forward to seeing you on Thursday 11th January, but should you have any questions that you require to be answered before then please feel free to contact Miss Hart, Depute Head Teacher responsible for S1 pupils.


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