Christmas party

on Thursday p7 had there Christmas party. We had so much fun and we played lots of games and done a lot of dances. We played pass the parcel, Christmas corners and musical arms. We also done the circle dance, the Virginia reel, dashing white sargents, cha cha slide, the slosh and the Macarena. We all had lots of fun dancing and playing and are sad that it is our last Christmas party in primary school.

here are some pictures from the party.

by Holly and Bethany W


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Show time!

Over the last few weeks we have been working hard to prepare and practice for our school show. We have loved learning about the 1960s and have been able to share our research with one another through our projects.

We have been working hard with primar 6/7 to learn about our decade and listen to some great songs from that time! We are so excited for the show and I hope you enjoy finding out all about the 60s.

Enjoy the show!

Miss Thomson and Primary 7 🙂

This Week!

This week P7 have been very busy doing different activities.

We have been doing more on our reading books and we are liking them. They are, Jammy dodgers on the run, The last wolf and The queens nose.

In Maths, we have been working more on our percentages and decimals, we have learned to count in 0.2s and we have also been working on percentages like 10% and 20%. In health and wellbeing, we have created posters for a club you go to and design one to encourage people to go to that club. In P.E, at the high school we have been practising our social dancing for our P7 dinner dance.

Finally, P7 have been getting ready for Christmas, we have made decorations and we open a chocolate advent calendar in class every day up until the holidays!

By Cole

Decorations for Sale!

This week we started to create our decorations to sell for the christmas Fayre. This was great fun and got us into the Christmas spirit already! We decided to create christmas crackers.

We decorated the outside and then made lovely gifts for the inside and also a christmas hat and a joke!

Come to the Christmas Fayre and you can buy one of our creations for your Christmas day!

Primary 7

Children in Need/ 1960s

This week in p7 there was 2 important things one was Pudsey day/children in need and other was we drew celebrities in the 60s.


Pudsey day

On Friday it was Children in need we had to dress up like blush, pudsey or dress spotty we went into the hall first with the primary ones and got to buy food/cakes, guess pudsey birthday, go on computers and drawing  all of us got a shot to work at one of the stations. Overall everybody really enjoyed it 

Drawing celebs from 60s

On Thursday we got to draw a celeb from the 60s we drew Julie Andrews, Cilla Black, Jimi Hendrix and Mick Jagger. After drawing them we got to colour them in black and white it was really fun some will go up on the wall and it will look fabulous. 

Thats all from primary 7 hope you enjoyed

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Andy Warhol- Pop Art

This week we have been learning all about Andy Warhol. He was a famous artist during the 1960s. He created a type of art called, “Pop Art”. This involves recreating the same images a number of times in a variety of colours. Some of his famous paintings are of a Campbell’s soup can, Marlyn Munro, Mickey Mouse  and a Coca Cola can.

We created our own Pop Art, some using paint and some with pastels and pens. Have a look at our creations!

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This week we have started a new topic called the 1960s this is a build up till Christmas because we are performing a show for the schools 50th anniversary. We have joined up with the primary 6/7 class to do this. We have already made a timeline about some things that happened in the 60s. We have found out that the Beatles were formed and there was a new cola invented that is called tab cola this was invented by the people who make co-ca cola .

Cole- I never knew the fashion would be as fancy.

Erin- I would like to look into the world wars further during the 1960s.

Bethany L- I liked finding out the first James Bond film.

Gregor- In 1962 the actor for James Bond was Sean Connery

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Science Centre

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Yesterday we went on our school trip to the science centre. First we went to the planetarium to see the solar system and beyond. We realised how big the universe really was there are over 1,000000000000 galaxies. When we were sitting in the seats it felt like we were moving. We learned about the constellations. Here are some: the big dipper, Orion the hunter, 7 sisters and Taurus.

Then we got a chance to explore the 3 floors. Most of the class enjoyed the hamster wheel we also got to try lots of tests.  For example we tried electric cars, how fast can you run, how long you can hold on, we even tried a calmness test.

We had a great day and got to spend the whole day exploring and learning. Have a look at our photographs!


These are the things that we enjoyed the most:

Aimee: I enjoyed going on the hamster wheel

Jack: I enjoyed the sprinting

Leah: I enjoyed learning new information

Ross: I enjoyed hanging on to the bars

Orla : I enjoyed the planetarium

P7 this week!

So far this week in p7 we have been learning lots of different things in literacy, maths, IDL, German and PE.

Literacy: In literacy we have been reading new novels like clockwork, dragonfire, butterfly lion and the demon headmaster. We’ve also been doing our spelling strategies to help us spell our new common words.

Maths: For maths we have been learning how to times, add, subtract and divide using decimals E.G:  2.16×100=216

Also we have been doing circles with Mrs Bokas we have learnt different types and parts of a circle. Also our class loves to play 2 maths games buzz and corners.

IDL: Our topic on the solar system is coming to an end we have learnt all the planets in order, Mercury, Venus, Earth, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus  ,Neptune and pluto and lots more interesting facts.

German: In class we have been learning some German with our German teacher Connie we have learnt lots of words and numbers.

P.E: For P.E we have been going to the high school on Mondays to do orienteering and athletics it has been really fun because in orienteering we get to run around the whole school area. In athletics we also participated in sprinting and skipping. Also on Tuesday we have been doing jumpstart johnny for a warm up and also think we might do it for our leavers assembly.

Jason- I enjoy adding and subtracting decimals.

Cate- I enjoyed orienteering in PE at the high school.

Lillie- I really liked doing the solar system in Art.

Fraser M- I enjoyed taking part in German.

Gabrielle- I enjoy our new novel in Literacy called Dragonfire

by Gabrielle, Cate and Holly

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