Rain, Rain, Rain…

What a wet and windy week we’ve had!!! We thought because of all this wet weather, we could make some rain gauges in our co-op groups. If anyone would like to make one, please let us know…we’ve written some fantastic instructions for how to make one.

The rain gauges are helping us to measure the rain in cm’s. We are going out to check them over 2 weeks to see what week had the most amount of rain. Could it possibly get any wetter than this week?…We’ve already measured one that had 7 cm’s of rain!!!

We were also very lucky this week as we got to visit Chryston library. We learned where to find some really interesting Chapter books. They are the ones with the blue label on them. Were really looking forward to reading some of them. The Librarian read some fantastically funny books. They were called Aliens Love Underpants Saves the World, and The Loon on The Moon. The Loon on the Moon was our favourite…especially the part where the aliens bottoms flew off!!!

3 thoughts on “Rain, Rain, Rain…”

  1. I don’t think it could have got much wetter this week. I saw you looking at the gauges during playtime….they looked very full.
    I am so glad you enjoyed the visit to the library, I hope that you will be able to go over there again soon.

  2. What a busy time you have been having P2/3! I hope your gauges are very empty soon because that will mean we haven’t had any rain and that would be lovely for a change.

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