Category Archives: Outdoor Learning

Food and Farming Day at Lanark Market

Primary 6/7 enjoyed a day at the market where they learned about food production.   They enjoyed experiencing the view from a tractor and trying the different produce.  Some of the children took on the role of auctioneer while the rest placed their bids on the animals.  A great day was had by all.  Thank you to the parent helpers and RHET for supporting our trip.

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Health Week 2017

The whole school had a very successful Health Week last week! Here is a list of the activities the children took part in and a slide show of some photographs.  Keep checking the blog as more photographs may be added.

The children enjoyed:-

A visit from the NSPCC,  a cheer-leading session, Shoesday Tuesday’s shoe cape competition(Thank you for your donations!), a Future X session, classroom discussions on substance misuse, a 5 steps to a healthy mind assembly, First Aid activities through the Heartstart programme, a teeth disclosure tablet experiment,  a Spring Nature walk with the Carters, food tasting and cooking opportunities, classroom activities on where food comes from and why it is good for us, an orienteering session, a badminton session, a celebrating success assembly and a great finale with our Sports Day!  Thank you to all who came and supported the children.

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Primary 7 Kilbowie

Primary 7 left for a 5 day trip to a residential outdoor learning centre on 7 Sept.  They developed their problem-solving skills and learned to negotiate during team work through a range of activities such as gorge walking, kayaking, canoeing, abseiling, mountain biking and much more.  They were given a good send off by family and friends.