Category Archives: Community

P1 & P7 Buddies

We enjoyed our first Assembly today when Primary Seven pupils were introduced to their Primary One Buddies.  Here are some photographs.

Each child was also presented with a pencil case with eraser, sharpener, ruler and two pencils as a result of Write Start and Cllr Mark Kerr determined that every child in Ward 1 started with the same resources, and so were equal.  Thank you for this positive initiative.

Health Week 2017

The whole school had a very successful Health Week last week! Here is a list of the activities the children took part in and a slide show of some photographs.  Keep checking the blog as more photographs may be added.

The children enjoyed:-

A visit from the NSPCC,  a cheer-leading session, Shoesday Tuesday’s shoe cape competition(Thank you for your donations!), a Future X session, classroom discussions on substance misuse, a 5 steps to a healthy mind assembly, First Aid activities through the Heartstart programme, a teeth disclosure tablet experiment,  a Spring Nature walk with the Carters, food tasting and cooking opportunities, classroom activities on where food comes from and why it is good for us, an orienteering session, a badminton session, a celebrating success assembly and a great finale with our Sports Day!  Thank you to all who came and supported the children.

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Thank You Bam Nutall

We have a business partnership with Bam Nutall and recently those links were re-established.  Bam Nutall celebrated being 150 years in business!   They gave us snap rulers and waistcoat key rings which are both fluorescent and which will help everyone to be seen in the dark mornings or early nights.  Thank you Bam Nutall.  We look forward to continuing to build links with you.  IMG_2183

Fire Safety Talk at Chapelgreen Nursery Class

Our Nursery boys and girls enjoyed their visit from the Fire Brigade when they got to see the Fire Engine and use the hose.  While children were learning about the Fire Service, parents and carers got some great safety advice from the Fire Office.

Keep yourself safe at all times, especially the festive season.  Where possible, smoke outdoors.  Do not leave lots of paper or cards near a cooker.  Put your wrapping paper in the recycling bin away from the house.  Check the lights for your Christmas Tree.  These should not be more than 3 amps.  The higher the amp is, determines how much electricity will flow through it.

Thank you very much for coming along and we hope you found the information to be helpful.

Please have a look at our photographs.