Category Archives: Community

Scottish Event

Thank you very much for being a great audience for our pupils.  They really enjoyed presenting their Scottish songs, poems and performing the dances.   We are very proud of everyone who took part.

Harvest Art

We were delighted to welcome our parents and carers into our classrooms today to showcase the children’s Harvest artwork.  The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing the skills they have been learning in art with our parents and carers and it was lovely to see our parents and carers having a go at some of the techniques too! Thank you to all those who came to support this event.

Thank you also to those who contributed to our Harvest collection for the food bank and those who bought a raffle ticket for the Harvest hamper to raise funds for our school.  Your continued support is very much appreciated.

We look forward to seeing you all again soon.


Litter In Our Community!

The Sustainability Committee informed the assembly today about the amount and types of litter that enter our playground from our community.  They decided to create posters that we can display in our shop and community hall to encourage members of the community to bin their litter, not to drop it.  The children worked hard using programmes on their iPads to create posters.  Here are the children busy at work and some of our first drafts.



Chilly weather on the way?

Darker mornings and afternoons?

Thinking of taking the car to or from school?

 Safety Means Always Recognising The dangers!

If you are taking the car to school, please be a S M A R T PARKER!

Police Scotland said in a recent tweet, “In autumn and during the winter months, there are the additional risks associated with poor weather, which adversely affect visibility for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists alike.

If you have to drive your child to and/or from school or nursery, make sure that you park legally, safely and responsibly and well away from the main entrance. Please always consider all other road users, especially children who are walking or cycling to and from school or nursery.  Always look out for them.”

Harvest Assembly

We are looking forward to sharing our learning with parents/carers and the community.  Please come along and join us on Wednesday the 1st of November for a short assembly followed by tea, coffee and a wee scone.  Please share this invitation with the older members of our community so they too, can join us.  Doors open at 9.15am for a 9.30am start.


We have been collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the Kilsyth Foodbank and to gift to some older members of our community.  If you haven’t been able to donate anything yet, you can bring this with you to the Assembly.