All posts by Mrs McLeod

Happy Halloween Disco Fun

Well done to everyone on your super costumes.  Great fun was had by all.  Thank you!  Hover over the photos for a bit more chat!

Personal and Wider Achievements

We were absolutely delighted to celebrate the achievements of our pupils, today at our Celebrating Success Assembly.

Ava has being doing fantastic at swimming and has increased her confidence in the water, going under it and jumping into the pool. Well done, Ava.

Please click on our photos below to find out more about the talent in our school.

These boys have been becoming more independent when dressing themselves. One has been doing up his shirt buttons and the other can do his own tie!
This super girl has many talents but today we celebrated her culinary skills as she used a recipe from Jamie Oliver to create Sausage Carbonara for her mum and dad. Yummy!
These smashing gals are multi-talented and have been selected to compete at Competition Level for their Dance and Cheerleading Academy. They will be competing in Newcastle, Glasgow, Liverpool and Bournemouth. One of them is also being extra responsible in the house tidying up after dinner and organising packed lunches and snacks for herself and older brother.
This caring boy is so dedicated in looking after his dog Eden and his lizard, T-Rex.
This boy has conquered his fears and went on the larger rollercoasters in Blackpool Pleasure Beach. This lovely lass has become very good at listening and understanding that her behaviour can affect others, especially her wee brother. Great achievements for both!
This boy has developed his confidence since starting BBs and has now made loads of new friends. This girl has recently started Rainbows and is also making lots of new friends.
This super boy has joined a cycling club and recently attended a competition at Callendar Park. He came 7th out of 30 children in his age group. Wow!
These talented girls took part in a Pony Club Cup Day Competition on their pony called Meah. One won two Fourths and a Second prize for jumping and games and the other won a Fourth and Fifth prize for jumping and ‘turn out’ of the pony. Fantastic too, for the little rosette winner in her first competition.

Harvest Assembly

We are looking forward to sharing our learning with parents/carers and the community.  Please come along and join us on Wednesday the 1st of November for a short assembly followed by tea, coffee and a wee scone.  Please share this invitation with the older members of our community so they too, can join us.  Doors open at 9.15am for a 9.30am start.


We have been collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the Kilsyth Foodbank and to gift to some older members of our community.  If you haven’t been able to donate anything yet, you can bring this with you to the Assembly.

Halloween Disco


Primaries 1-7 will be having a fun afternoon at the Halloween Disco.  Pupils can bring their costumes in with them, or go home at lunch-time to change.  The disco/games are from 1-3pm.  Please do not wear anything too scary or gruesome.  We want our wee ones to be able to enjoy themselves.

The Nursery children will be having a dress-up day, too.

Parent Council News

Tonight, the Parent Council held their Annual General Meeting which attracted some new members.  Introducing……

The Chair Person – Mrs Isabelle Murphy

The Secretary – Mrs Claire Mclanachan

The Treasurers – Mrs Jean Colangelo and Ms Kerry Deane

Parent members:

Ms Liz Macis

Mrs Tracey Gillies

Mrs Katrina Allan

A huge thank you to Mrs Frances Murphy who has now stepped down from the Parent Council as her wee lass is now a big lass at High School.   Thank you very much for all your hard work and the commitment you have shown to the children, families and staff of Chapelgreen Primary School and Nursery Class.  The Parent Council presented Mrs Murphy with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.

Celebrating Personal and Wider Achievements

Congratulations to our fantastic pupils for their personal achievements,  such as raising money for Charities.  Ben Nevis was conquered for Cash4Kids and Bowel Cancer and the Mr Men and Little Miss Walk is still ongoing throughout September for Children with Cancer.  Some people have improved their swimming while others are improving football skills, getting picked for teams, and moving up the ranks and the league.  Great to hear that more children have joined clubs in their community, like Cheerleading and Gymnastics.  Not to mention our musical kids on the block, improving drum skills through some Linkin Park songs, while on the keyboard, being able to play over 100 songs.  Amazing!  Delighted to hear that reading is improving with some of our little folk, as well as their culinary skills, making scrambled eggs!  Yum!


P1 & P7 Buddies

We enjoyed our first Assembly today when Primary Seven pupils were introduced to their Primary One Buddies.  Here are some photographs.

Each child was also presented with a pencil case with eraser, sharpener, ruler and two pencils as a result of Write Start and Cllr Mark Kerr determined that every child in Ward 1 started with the same resources, and so were equal.  Thank you for this positive initiative.