Welcome Back!

Room 4 would like to say a great big huge WELCOME BACK!

We are really enjoying being back at school and would like to share some of the things we have been doing and learning.


Health & Wellbeing

By Lana-Rose and Ava

We have been talking about our feelings about lockdown and covid 19 it’s important right now and a really big deal.  In this photo are some pictures we made about our feelings ‘Inside Out’.


French 🇫🇷

By Ainsley and Kyle

Bonjour Queenzieburn, Room 4 has been Learning French. We have learned Questions, Colours and Numbers. Q’est le colour prefere? Mine is Rouge. We have also learned colours 1-10 in French and here are our French Colour Sheets. 


David Attenborough

By Ava and Lana-Rose

We have been learning about David Attenborough. We researched cool facts about him on the internet and took notes. Then chose how to present our work. Some people wrote with pencil and paper and wrote key notes or notes on the iPads.

It is really fun learning about David Attenborough. Did you know he is the same age as the Queen?



Cursive Handwriting   

By Riley And Tyler

Room 4 has been learning cursive handwriting. Cursive handwriting is when you can join letters together to make it more neat but you need to flick into the joins. Once we get used to cursive handwriting we will be able to write much faster and it will look fancy and more grown up.


Classroom Economy 

By Harley and Brooke

Our class is doing something called a Classroom Economy. Everyone has a job. We have police officers and bankers and many more jobs. Every month we get paid for our jobs but we also have to pay rent for our chairs and desks each month which costs £1000.  If we don’t have enough to pay we can get a loan from the bank. We can earn more money from bonuses but we can also lose money if we break the rules and get a fine.  We like earning lots of money and getting good at counting it and thinking about what jobs we could do in the future. 



By Sam and Nathan

Our class is learning to play handball for PE. We have been playing matches and it is fun. It’s called handball because the ball is small enough to fit in your hands and you pass the the ball with your hands only. There are lots of ways to pass, the bounce pass, the overarm ‘high’ pass, the flick pass and the chest pass. It is a really fast pace game and we love it!


By Lyle and CJ

P5/6/7 has been learning how to do 3D letters with one point of perspective. Perspective means make things look 3D by going back into the distance. 

How to do it- Draw a dot near the top of the paper. This dot is your point of perspective. From the point take a ruler and draw a line to the corners of each letter in your name. Then draw a horizontal lines in the middle between the parallel lines. Rub out the remaining lines to make your letters look 3D.

The background- We cut out shapes on paper and stuck them on the page. We drew lines with a ruler from the corners of the shape to the point of perspective the we used a dark pen to shade the shapes and outline of the letters. We then picked a colour we had not already used to colour the background.



By Tyler And Riley

Glow is a online site to help us teach and learn online. Some of us used it during lockdown and learned on glow. Right now we are learning how to get better at glow.

Teams is a way to communicate with our class and teacher. If we went into lockdown again we could get work from Teams or work together on Teams.  We are having fun learning how to use it and are getting better at it.


Angles, Directions and Coordinates. Ainsley and Kyle 

Hello Queenzieburn, 

Room 4 have been Learning Angles, Coordinates and Directions with our new teacher Mrs. Meechan. We have been learning North, East, South, West. We made up a game where people stand on a grid and somebody tells them to go a direction and last man standing on the grid wins! We have also learned about Right Angles and made these little Pac-Men that help us find Right Angles. 

One thought on “Welcome Back!”

  1. Hi Room 4. Thank you for sharing all the great things you are up to. There has been so much, there are too many to mention, but great job, everyone.

    Beautiful joins in handwriting, too.

    Your 3d artwork is amazing! Is it more difficult to do if you have a longer name?

    The pacman is a great way to see if an angle is a right-angle.

    The classroom economy is certainly popular! You are using lots of skills there.

    Using inside out characters to explore emotions is really good. You don’t always see what others are feeling. That’s why we should alway show kindness to others.

    Looking forward to seeing what’s next. Thanks for sharing.
    Mrs McLeod

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