Category Archives: news

Christmas Fayre 2018

Christmas ElfOur annual  Christmas Fayre took place in the school on Saturday, 1 December 2018. The event was organised by our S4 Achieve class who planned, organised and facilitated our fantastic Christmas Fayre (and helped set up and clear away).

Visitors were treated to excellent performances throughout the Fayre by our bagpipers and drummers and school choir accompanied by Mrs Prucnal on piano. There were many different stalls, including some fantastic decorations created by the Technology Department. Refreshments including hotdogs, cakes. teas and coffee were available (not forgetting Logyne’s delicious reindeer chocolate lollies).

No Christmas Fayre would be complete without Santa, who was happy to meet everyone in his grotto.

There was also a tombola and raffle with some fabulous prizes and the S4 achieve class would like to congratulate all the raffle winners.  Winners can collect their prizes from the school office – don’t forget your ticket! Congratulations to all our lucky winners (click here for list of winners).

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Children In Need Talent Show 2018

Staff and pupils at Calderhead High School were treated to an impressive array of talent at the school’s charity talent show on Friday, 16 November 2018.

The event was held to raise funds for Children In Need, a non-profitable charity which aims to support all children who are less well off whether it be through illness or poverty.

Our School Captains, Erin and David, were marvellous MCs and guided us through the myriad acts who participated in the talent show. We were all very impressed by the wonderful performers, who made us laugh and cry (and wince when we watched the leg waxing video). Special mention must go to S6 pupil, Fraser, whose sponsored headshave took place live on stage!

We have many fabulous singers at Calderhead and we really enjoyed hearing Madison, Morgan, Logyne, Yasmin, and a Turkish song from Stephen!  Sophie and Carly sang a duet and birthday girl Heather accompanied herself on the piano. Ellyn also played the piano for us.

We were very impressed with Kevin and Andrew’s magic show and Riley, Nathan and Douglas’ “duelling”  bagpipes and drums – we did try to clap along but couldn’t keep up!

Zuzanna and Heather treated us to a very limber gymnastic display and made us laugh with their choice of Muppets music.

The show closed with a spirited interpretation of “Baby Shark” by our staff dance troup.

Well done to everyone who took part and congratulation to all our wonderful performers.

You will also have an opportunity to see some of our talented pupils at “Calderhead’s Got Talent” on Monday 17th December at 7pm  in the Assembly Hall. Tickets cost £2 with funds going to the Beatson Cancer Charity. Please come along and support our very talented pupils.

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Sports Tournament – RU THAT GUY

Netball and football teams made up of S5 and S6 pupils recently participated in a sports tournament at Ravenscraig Sports Facility in support of the suicide prevention campaign,  ‘RU THAT GUY’.

The ‘RU THAT GUY‘  campaign has been launched by Suicide Prevention North Lanarkshire and encourages young people to check on their friends and family at times when they may be feeling low, as a measure to tackle suicide.

Charity Day at Calderhead

Charity football matchPupils and staff were very charitable on Thursday, 20th September, when everyone paid to wear their own clothes instead of uniform all day.

Staff were treated to a MacMillan Cancer Support coffee-morning at interval, with some excellent cakes and other baking. Special thanks must go to the Shotts Co-op and Bells Food Group for their donations.

This was followed by a charity football match in the afternoon where pupils and staff watched S4/5 pupils play a senior pupil/staff team. The all pupil team won with an impressive 4-2 score. The match was ticketed and raised an impressive £400 for the charity, Chris’s House. Pupils have also set up a just-giving page for donations to this charity.

Half a Sixpence

Pupils and staff from Calderhead High School recently visited Motherwell Concert Hall to see the Shine Youth Music Theatre production of the musical comedy Half a Sixpence. Everyone agreed that it was an excellent show. Thank you to Mrs Prucnal in the Music Department for organising the trip.

The Reward Foundation Information Evening

Reward Foundation logoWe have secured support from The Reward Foundation, who have created classroom-based resources for S3/4 and S5/6 pupils to inform discussion surrounding sexting and pornography use based on science and research.

Staff from the charity will be in school on Tuesday, 25th September from 5pm – 6pm and we would welcome parents and carers of all Calderhead High School pupils to attend.  A selection of hot and cold snacks along with tea & coffee will be available.  We are hoping this might entice you to attend what will be a great opportunity to find out more about how we can support our youngsters growing up in what is undoubtedly a difficult environment.

For more information, please click on the attached letter.

RF Letter



Read to Succeed at Calderhead – Author Tour

As part of North Lanarkshire’s  Read to Succeed initiative,  every S1 pupil, in all of the North Lanarkshire schools, is being offered the chance to attend an author event.  Each author will speak to the whole S1 year group about their books and the inspiration behind their writing. They will also encourage the pupils to continue to read and to write creatively.  

The author, Bali Rai, is coming to Calderhead High School on 19th September 2018 and will talk to all our S1 pupils in the Assembly Hall,  followed by a writer’s workshop.

Bali Rai is a well-established, award-winning and hugely popular author and has written many excellent novels for teenagers and young adults. He grew up in a deprived area of Leicester and has been writing short stories and poetry since the age of eight. Bali’s writing is firmly grounded in the reality that he has seen around him since he was a child and often deals with difficult issues.

He has also published novels with the dyslexia friendly publisher, Barrington Stoke.


Please see the attached letter for more information.

S1 R2S Letter





If you would like to learn more about the Read to Succeed initiative, please click here

Outward Bound Course, September 2018

Pupils and staff from Calderhead High School recently attended an Outward Bound Leadership course at their Ullswater Centre in the Lake District. The Outward Bound Trust is a learning charity which equips young people with social and emotional skills through learning and adventure outdoors. The Ullswater Centre is set in 18 acres of woodland at the heart of Wordsworth country,  based on the north shore of the lake. Pupils had the opportunity to try many different activities including swimming in the loch, gorge walking, hill climbing, and team building activities such as the Spiders’ Web and Jacob’s Ladder. Special mention must go to Greig, who celebrated his birthday while he was there. A great time was had by all and they learned much about teamwork and leadership from the experience. The school is already planning their next Outward Bound adventure for pupils in October.

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Knitting ClubOur creative knitters in Knitting Club created some  ‘twiddle muffs’ , which are used for dementia patients. People with dementia often have restless hands and like to have something to keep their hands occupied. The ribbons, buttons, and beads attached to the muffs provide a great source of visual, tactile and sensory stimulation for the patients, whilst keeping their hands warm.

Suzannah, Heather and Hannah presented the muffs to Nicola Jack, a charge nurse at Accident and Emergency in University Hospital Wishaw.  Well done, girls, they look fantastic!

If you would like to join Knitting Club, please see Mrs Crosbie.


Edinburgh International Book Festival

Book Festival 2018Pupils from our Advanced Higher and Higher English classes visited the Edinburgh International Book Festival at Charlotte Square in Edinburgh recently. The pupils enjoyed listening to three very different authors at the Festival: Melvin Burgess, Taran Matharu and Martin Stewart

Melvin Burgess FestivalThe first session was with the Melvin Burgess, an author who is often described as the “godfather” of Young Adult fiction. Melvin talked about his prolific and often controversial writing and read excerpts from his latest novel, ‘The Lost Witch’ .

Mrs Lumsden and Mrs Moore were very excited to meet Mr Burgess at the book signing afterwards. Pupils then enjoyed their lunch and a chance to wander round the bookshops at the Festival.

Festival Stewart and MatharuAfter lunch, pupils listened to authors Taran Matharu and Martin Stewart, who talked about their writing. Taran started writing online and soon gained a massive readership which led to the publication of his ‘Summoner’ series.

Martin published his first novel “Riverkeep” to great acclaim and recently published his second novel, “The Last Sacrifice”.  The pupils and staff were enthralled by his funny (and chilling) reading of excerpts from his latest book.

Everyone greatly enjoyed their visit to the Festival. Many of the authors’ books are available to  borrow from the school library now.