Tag Archives: school trips

Outward Bound Course, September 2018

Pupils and staff from Calderhead High School recently attended an Outward Bound Leadership course at their Ullswater Centre in the Lake District. The Outward Bound Trust is a learning charity which equips young people with social and emotional skills through learning and adventure outdoors. The Ullswater Centre is set in 18 acres of woodland at the heart of Wordsworth country,  based on the north shore of the lake. Pupils had the opportunity to try many different activities including swimming in the loch, gorge walking, hill climbing, and team building activities such as the Spiders’ Web and Jacob’s Ladder. Special mention must go to Greig, who celebrated his birthday while he was there. A great time was had by all and they learned much about teamwork and leadership from the experience. The school is already planning their next Outward Bound adventure for pupils in October.

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Edinburgh International Book Festival

Book Festival 2018Pupils from our Advanced Higher and Higher English classes visited the Edinburgh International Book Festival at Charlotte Square in Edinburgh recently. The pupils enjoyed listening to three very different authors at the Festival: Melvin Burgess, Taran Matharu and Martin Stewart

Melvin Burgess FestivalThe first session was with the Melvin Burgess, an author who is often described as the “godfather” of Young Adult fiction. Melvin talked about his prolific and often controversial writing and read excerpts from his latest novel, ‘The Lost Witch’ .

Mrs Lumsden and Mrs Moore were very excited to meet Mr Burgess at the book signing afterwards. Pupils then enjoyed their lunch and a chance to wander round the bookshops at the Festival.

Festival Stewart and MatharuAfter lunch, pupils listened to authors Taran Matharu and Martin Stewart, who talked about their writing. Taran started writing online and soon gained a massive readership which led to the publication of his ‘Summoner’ series.

Martin published his first novel “Riverkeep” to great acclaim and recently published his second novel, “The Last Sacrifice”.  The pupils and staff were enthralled by his funny (and chilling) reading of excerpts from his latest book.

Everyone greatly enjoyed their visit to the Festival. Many of the authors’ books are available to  borrow from the school library now.

S2 Reward Trip

S2 pupils enjoyed some glorious sunshine on their reward day trip to M&Ds funfair in Strathclyde Park on Thursday, 24th May 2018. Everyone had a fantastic time and fortunately Mrs Buchanan and Ms Kilpatrick had plenty of spare sunscreen!

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Outward Bound Course

Outward Bound 2016Calderhead High School is planning an Outward Bound® residential experience for pupils in S4, S5 and S6 at Loch Eil in the Scottish Highlands from 27th to 29th October 2017.

The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity that uses the outdoors to provide life-changing educational courses and unique experiences for young people.

The heavily subsidised cost of the course is £50 per student, which is fully inclusive of food, accommodation, bed-linen, equipment, transport and insurance.

Please see the attached letter for more information – copies have issued to pupils. If you would like your child to be considered for this course then please complete the reply slip attached and return it to Mr Robertson, Head Teacher, by Friday 15th September.

Outward Bound Letter




Alton Towers/ Edinburgh Dungeons Trips

Alton Towers Trip
Alton Towers Trip


Today is a busy day for school trips. Pupils and staff headed off for Alton Towers early this morning and are looking forward to a fun day at the theme park.


Edinburgh Dungeons Trip
Edinburgh Dungeons Trip


Our second trip is to Edinburgh where staff and pupils will enjoy a spooky day at Edinburgh Dungeons and Mary King’s Close.