Category Archives: news

Chemistry News

Chemistry prelim packSenior pupils are busy studying for their prelim exam – S4 pupils were recently issued with study packs to help with prelim revision. Good luck everyone.

S3 Chemistry pupils made a giant model of a poly(ethene) molecule in class.

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For more information about our Chemistry Department, check out the subject page.






Beat the Teacher Race

Pupils and staff participated in a “Beat the Teacher Race” at lunchtime on Wednesday, 25 January 2017.

Over 40 pupils took part in the 2km race and the teachers were duly beaten. Congratulations to pupils, Matthew and Marc, who came first and Jay in S5 who had the fastest overall time.

Special mention to  Mr Higgins in the Technologies Department, who also won a prize!




Careers Event 2017

Calderhead High School held a Careers event at school on Wednesday, 25 January 2017. In the morning the ‘Friends of Calderhead’ (former pupils, parents and relatives) gave  a short 20 minute presentation detailing their own personal experience of school, the grades that they attained and the journey they had taken leading them to their current role.  Our S3 pupils then had the opportunity to hear insightful, inspiring, and honest representations of working in an industry that they had expressed interest in.   Thanks go to all the ‘friends of Calderhead’: Gordon Muir, Ross Mitchell, Kim Milroy, Lauren Brown, Gillian Tannahill, Steven Smith, Billy Morley, Steven Lake, Tom Stewart and Emma Reid for their input at the event. S1 and S2 pupils took part in a teacher pathway quiz.

In the afternoon, twenty one providers attended a more traditional careers fayre, which was hosted in the assembly hall.

The final session of the day involved S5/6 pupils, parents of pupils  and members of the community who were able to access all the support and services the providers could offer.

Calderhead High School would like to thank all those who attended and supported the event.

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Burns Night 2017

ce1791b7283ccf815624077badf3009c We celebrated Burns Night on Wednesday, 25 January  2017. The school held Burns themed assemblies and haggis, neeps and tatties were served at lunchtime. Pupils listened to some Burns songs in the Library.

Mr Reilly treated us to a rendition of ‘To A Mouse’ at interval.

The best-laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!


Holocaust Memorial Day

HMD LogoHolocaust Memorial Day (HMD) is marked each year on 27 January and we remember the six million Jewish people systematically persecuted and murdered during the Holocaust and those who have faced persecution and death since then.

The theme this year was How Can Life Go On?  This theme asks us all think about how people who have experienced the horror of genocide can start to rebuild their lives.

Calderhead High School marked HMD this week with assemblies for all pupils led by S6 pupils, Jamie Shaw and Chloe Jarvis. James and Chloe visited Auschwitz in September 2016.


Prelim Exams

S4/5/6 prelim exams start on Wednesday, 8th February 2017 and finish on Friday, 17th February 2017.

There will be exam leave for S4 pupils who are sitting one or more National 5 exam (the exception being PE where there is no exam). S4 pupils who are sitting all National 4 subjects should attend school as normal.

There will be exam leave for all S5 and S6 pupils.

Please click on the links below to see letters issued to pupils for more information:

Letter issued to S4 pupils

Letter issued to S5/S6 pupil

Click on the links below for information about study skills for pupils and parents on our website:

Study Skills for parents




Careers Event – 25 January

Calderhead High School is  hosting a Careers Event at school on 25th January . This event will include workshops and talks by former pupils and friends of the school and there will also be over twenty different stalls in the Assembly Hall with information about a wide range of careers.

At Calderhead, we are keen to encourage pupils to plan for their future and explore all opportunities and career paths, including higher education, further education, employment, apprenticeships, training or volunteering. We offer work experience placements, employer visits, visits to training providers, University and College campus visits, application form support, and community projects – including charity work. For more information, please see our post-school options pages.