SQA exams, what can a parent do?

Parental support is eight times more important in determining a child’s academic success than other factors, according to a study by The Campaign for Learning.

(TES, 10 October 2003)

Many parents feel at a loss when their children enter S1 and above and confused by the complicated systems of SQA exams, coursework and practical assessments.

If you feel like this you are not alone! The exam system has changed greatly over the years, and is continuing to change, and sometimes it feels as if it is best just to let the ‘experts’ at Calderhead High School get on with it. However, your involvement during these crucial years can make an enormous difference – the difference between success and failure or between ‘C’ and ‘D’ passes and ‘A’s and ‘B’s.

Click here to read more and check out the Useful Links for Parents page.