All posts by Mr Robertson (Headteacher, Calderhead High School)

New direct payment system for free school meals

A new payment system is being set up for pupils who receive free school meals.

It will start on Friday 27 March and run throughout the current health crisis.

Parents and carers of pupils who receive free school meals will be sent a message twice a week from the council.

It will include a voucher code for £10.00 (you will receive a total of £20.00 per child per week).

The message will be sent either as a text message to your mobile phone, by email or as a printed copy if you don’t have internet access.

You can use the voucher code at any shop that accepts Pay Point, for a list of your local Pay Point retailers visit and enter your postcode.

For more information, please email the free school meals team on: Opens new window

Letter to Parents/Carers Sunday 22nd March 2020


Dear Parent/Carer,


Although all schools officially closed on Friday afternoon at 3pm, we recognise our duty to support Key Workers in posts which ensure that essential services can be delivered and cover tasks within the local community which support the vulnerable and aid community resilience. Definitions of key workers and eligibility are outlined in Appendix A. This service is for families where both parents/carers are key workers or in the case of single parent families, where the main care giver is a key worker.

It is essential to stop the spread of COVID-19 that people who can work from home do work from home.  The remaining education support service should only be accessed by those who absolutely require it to enable National Health Service and other critical services to continue and also for vulnerable young people. We appreciate your cooperation with this.


Arrangements for week beginning Monday 23rd March 2020

If you are an eligible key worker, who has no other suitable childcare arrangements then your child can attend school as normal on Monday 23rd March, school transport will run as normal.  If you are able to go in person to school or establishment, staff will ask you to complete a proforma.  If you are unable to do that then the school or establishment will contact you to gather information.


Future Plans

Over the course of this transition week, the council will collect data from across Schools and Centres and use this data to inform its planning.  This may involve closing some schools and moving to a cluster/hub model, with only identified schools and centres remaining open to support Key workers who have no alternative childcare in place.  In practice, this may mean that your child attends a different school, but within their locality.


Meeting your needs

This week, you will be asked to complete a form to provide us with essential information about you and your child.  This will include information about your employment, work patterns and emergency contact details. This information will be used by the council to build up a picture of the requirement for education services across each locality. The more information you provide the more prepared we can be.  Further information will be provided about this later in the week.




School Meals

All children who are entitled to free school meals will be able to access these meals. If you need to access this support please take your child to their usual school at the school’s normal lunchtime.

Breakfast clubs will be open in those schools that normally offer them.


SQA Course Work

Scottish Government have clarified your child should not attend school to complete any SQA course work.  The school may ask you to complete course work remotely.

Teachers know your children well and already have a wide range of evidence on which to base their professional judgement. Estimated grades will be based on predicted attainment, coursework and assessment. They will NOT only be based on prelim marks. Since all estimates and professional judgements have not yet been carried out, I would ask that you do not contact the school at this time for that information. Although there is no process for appealing professional judgement, the SQA have indicated that their post results service will be free of charge this year. Further information on this will be issued in due course.

Finally, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should any child who has symptoms of coronavirus, or who lives in a household where someone has symptoms, present at school. The whole family must follow the self-isolation advice.


Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.


Yours sincerely

John Robertson


Appendix A: Identified Key Workers/Eligibility

Please note that the first presumption is that this service will only be accessed when no other suitable childcare arrangements can be identified.

Category 1
·         Health and care workers directly supporting COVID-19 response and associated staff.

·         Workers supporting life-threatening emergency work as well as critical primary and community care provision.

·         Staff of energy suppliers.

·         Staff, including teachers and early years workers, providing childcare and learning for other key workers and staff who support school buildings

Please note that the first presumption is that staff who can work from home will work from home and that this service will only be accessed when no other suitable childcare arrangements can be identified.

Category 2 Category 3
 All other health and care workers including home support staff and care home staff.

·         Emergency services staff, including police, fire and rescue, prison officers.

·         Military personnel

·         Social workers

·         Those supporting critical national infrastructure including:

·         Staff keeping air, water, road and rail passenger transport operating.

·         Oil, gas, electricity and water and sewerage workers.

·         Logistics staff including drivers and transport workers.

·         Food and other necessary goods staff including food production, processing, distribution, sale, delivery as well as those essential to the provision of hygienic and veterinary medicines.

·         Staff in essential financial service provision including: banks, building societies and financial market infrastructure; IT and data infrastructure; postal services; civil nuclear, chemicals and telecommunications; payment providers; waste disposal.

·         Journalists and broadcasters.

·         Homelessness staff.

Strategic-level management and support staff.

Waste services staff.

Fleet services staff.

Cemeteries staff.

Property repairs and maintenance staff including frontline workers of Mears and Saltire.

Roads and lighting maintenance staff including staff of Amey.

Facility support services including cleaning, catering, school crossing patrollers and janitorial staff.

Human resources staff including payroll and employee service centre.

IT staff.

Communications staff.

Finance staff including welfare, revenue and benefits staff and municipal bank staff.

Registration staff.

Essential legal services.

Psychological services staff.


click here for key worker form

Updated message to Parents/Carers from Education and Families



All North Lanarkshire schools will be open on Monday for the children of the following categories of key workers
It is essential, to stop the spread of transmission of coronavirus, that people who can work from home do work from home. This is not business as usual and it is vital that this support being offered is only accessed by those who absolutely require it to enable NHS and other critical services to function.

If you’re a key worker who requires support, please take your child to your normal school on Monday. We will review these arrangements over the coming week and it is likely we will fully close some schools but we will inform you of this and the alternative provision we will put in place.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should any child who has symptoms of coronavirus, or who lives in a household where someone has symptoms, present at school. The whole family must follow the self-isolation advice.
Key worker categories:

Category 1

·       Health and care workers directly supporting COVID-19 response and associated staff
·       Workers supporting life-threatening emergency work as well as critical primary and community care provision
·       Staff of energy suppliers
·       Staff, including teachers and early years workers, providing childcare and learning for other key workers and staff who support school buildings

Category 2

Please note that the first presumption is that staff who can work from home will work from home

·       All other health and care workers including home support staff and care home staff
·       Emergency services staff, including police, fire and rescue, prison officers
·       Military personnel
·       Social workers

Those supporting critical national infrastructure including:

·       Staff keeping air, water, road and rail passenger transport operating
·       Oil, gas, electricity and water and sewerage workers
·       Logistics staff including drivers and transport workers
·       Food and other necessary goods staff including food production, processing, distribution, sale, delivery as well as those essential to the provision of hygienic and veterinary medicines
·       Staff in essential financial service provision including: banks, building societies and financial market infrastructure; IT and data infrastructure; postal services; civil nuclear, chemicals and telecommunications; payment providers; waste disposal.
·       Journalists and broadcasters

Category 3

Other council and associated staff in the following categories. Please note that the first presumption is that staff who can work from home will work from home

·       Strategic-level management and support staff
·       Waste services staff
·       Fleet services staff
·       Cemeteries staff
·       Property repairs and maintenance staff including frontline workers of Mears and Saltire
·       Roads and lighting maintenance staff including staff of Amey
·       Facility support services including cleaning, catering, school crossing patrollers and janitorial staff
·       Human resources staff including payroll and employee service centre
·       IT staff
·       Communications staff
·       Finance staff including welfare, revenue and benefits staff and municipal bank staff
·       Registration staff
·       Essential legal services
·       Psychological services staff


All children who are entitled to free school meals will be able to access these meals. If you need to access this support please take your child to their usual school at the school’s normal lunchtime, but only at their normal lunchtime.

Breakfast clubs will be open in those schools that normally offer them, will be open.

S4, S5 and S6 PUPILS

A normal timetable will not be operating. Only the following pupils should attend at school:

·       Children of key workers as detailed above.
·       Pupils who have already been instructed by their schools to attend at a specific time for coursework purposes.
Other S4, S5 and S6 pupils will be contacted by schools in due course to arrange completion of coursework. Schools have already informed pupils about arrangements for online learning.

Letter from Derek Brown, Executive Director for Education and Families

From:  Derek Brown, Executive Director


Dear Parents /Carers

Following advice from the Scottish Government to close educational establishment today, we fully recognise that from today children and young people may be at home for a long period of time and we have produced a suite of materials to support their learning – further information about materials will be sent to you in due course.

Understandably, this is an unsettling time for children, young people and their carers and many people will be feeling anxious about the current situation and the impact that it may have on the health and wellbeing of family, friends and colleagues.

For this reason we have also included information to help you reassure your child.  Many of these resources have been developed in collaboration with South Lanarkshire Council.  The attached document provides some advice and guidance.

We will continue to up-date this resource and ensure that it is widely available online.  You will be notified of these updates next week.

Thank you for your on-going support during these challenging times.


Derek Brown

Executive Director

 Supporting Children during unsettled times 


Please note this page will continue to be updated over the coming weeks as departments add more resources for pupils to access at home.

Secondary school senior pupils will want to minimise the impact of school closure on their exam performance. Materials such as past exam papers and other teaching aids can be accessed on-line either from Glow, the school’s web site or directly from the SQA site.

Many National 4, 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses are also supported through the Scholar program .  Pupils will find comprehensive online study guides, interactive learning materials and activities, assessments and revision packs on a range of subjects.  Access is controlled by unique log in and password which pupils will get from their school. Pupils can also access Scholar through Glow without the unique login password (Only Glow Username & Password required).

Pupils who have access to their Glow accounts will find a range of information provided by their own teachers in some of the subject areas that will be very helpful to provide continuity for their learning.   Pupils may know these as TEAMS, which is part of GLOW.  Class teachers may have created a class TEAM to share work directly with the class. We have created a TEAM for each year group. These have been split into channels for each subject.

Should any pupil require their GLOW login details then please  e-mail: .

To access TEAMS on your phone or tablet.  Download the Teams app then use your Glow email address and glow password to login to the app.  Your Glow email address is your glow login followed by  Remember that you can also download and install Microsoft office on your home computer by clicking on the Office 365 Home Tab on the Glow homepage.

General Resources

Below are a list of other useful links on a range of subject areas and topics that pupils may find useful.

BBC Bitesize: Resources appropriate to pupils at all stages

Click Here: BBC Bitesize

Learn At BBC Scotland: Resources appropriate to pupils at all stages

Click Here: Learn at BBC Scotland

Maths Workout: Resources appropriate to pupils at all stages. Pupils have username and passwork

Click Here: Maths Workout

Maths Links: Various links from the Maths Website. Resources appropriate to all stages.

Click Here: Various Maths Links

Great number  game for S1-S3 pupils, has option for X / + – and balance click here for Maths Chase Game

English Website: Resources appropriate to pupils at all stages

Click Here: English Website

Technical Website: Resources appropriate to pupils at all stages

Click Here: Technical Website

Scholar: S4, 5 & 6 Pupils requires username & password from school

Click Here: Scholar

GLOW: A number of subjects use this across school. Pupil should have username and password.

Click Here: GLOW

SQA Past Papers: S4, 5 & 6 Pupils

Click Here: SQA Past Papers

Business Department: Various links for senior pupils. Pupils should have username and password

Higher Admin

Higher Accounting

Higher Business

Nat 5 Accounts

Nat 5 Admin

Nat 5 Business

Biology Revision: Resources for senior pupils

Click Here: Nat 5 Biology resources

Click Here: Higher Biology resources

Chemistry Revision: Resources for senior pupils

Click Here: Chemistry resources

Music Resources: Resources mainly for senior pupils

Click Here:

Click Here:

All Senior Phase subjects for S4-S6

 Click Here: BrightRed Publishing Digital resources for S4-S6 pupils

Many of these links have been provided by Greenfaulds High School

North Lanarkshire Schools’- British Pipe Band Champions

Congratulations to North Lanarkshire Schools Pipe Band Novice B who were crowned British Champions on Saturday 19 May

The British Pipe Band Championships are one of the most prestigious events in the world piping calendar.

Over 150 bands travelled from around the world to the St James’ Playing Fields, Paisley, to compete for a whole series of titles.

The North Lanarkshire Schools Pipe Band Novice B were in a field of 12 other bands and they also took top spot in the Grade Novice B Drumming section.

Pipe Major Ross Cowan said: “Pipe Bands compete for five major championship throughout the season, the British, European, UK, Scottish and worlds.

“To win anyone of these is a huge achievement and we are so proud of our pupils for all their commitment and focus.

“This continues a successful season adding the British ti

tle to the bands’ Scottish Schools Championship and Glasgow West of Scotland Indoor Championship wins.”

The North Lanarkshire Schools Pipe Band Novice B comprises pupils from St Ambrose High School, Cumbernauld Academy, Calderhead High School, Chryston High School, Caldervale High School, Bellshill Academy, St Aidan’s High School, Airdrie Academy, Braidhurst High School and Clyde Valley High School.

Mackenzie Forrest in S3 is very proud to be part of such a successful band.

They were led by Pipe Major Darren Sommerville.