Place Value

We have been learning about the value of where the digit is in the number, such as units, tens and hundreds. For example, if you have a number like 453, the place value of number 5 is tens, the place value of number 3 is ones and the place value of number 4 is hundreds.

We used our white boards to show our understanding and played games such as bingo, dominoes, matching and even a game of countdown.

Numbers Around Us

Numbers are always all around us. We work with numbers, and we deal with numbers on a day to day basis. We have been learning about numbers and were very good at spotting numbers in our classroom and thinking about where we might see them at home or in the environment. Some suggestions were front doors, telephones, clocks, shops and road signs. We took a camera around the school looking for numbers.

Rights Respecting

As part of a whole school project we have been learning about the Rights of the child. We have introduced the children to their rights by helping them to consider the difference between a WANT and a NEED. The basic needs that should be met so children and young people grow up to reach their full potential.

We have learned that along with rights come responsibilities. In Primary 3/4 we have been spending time learning about Article 15 – You have the right to choose your own friends and join or set up groups, as long as it isn’t harmful to others.

We also discussed the right to play. We talked about the types of toys we had to play with and the toys children from other countries had. We then made our own moving butterfly.