🍌🍓P4 Meals Delivery Service at the Ready!🍓🍌

Primary 4 had lots of fun assuming the role of North Lanarkshire Council’s ‘Meals Delivery Service’ as they learned about the importance of healthy eating and caring for the elderly. We discussed and devised a variety of nutritious 3 course meal options and enjoyed learning how to make a fruit smoothie, which tasted delicious! 🍓🍌😋       

Outdoor Learning

Primary 7 previewing some of our new equipment in the school grounds, including the foundations for our outdoor classroom and our minibeast mansion. If you find any creepy crawlies in your garden, bring them in to increase our biodiversity. Remember to keep donating blue tokens at Tesco in Uddingston so that we can buy even more outdoor equipment!      

P7 PowerPoints

P7 children have been developing their ICT skills by working collaboratively to create a PowerPoint. They will then share what they have been learning with the rest of the class.

P1 Our Senses.

Primary 1 have had great fun learning about our senses. We know that you hear with your ears and you taste with your tongue. We made musical instruments for our homework and enjoyed playing in the class band. We also had a fun morning food tasting to test our different food receptors.We tasted sweet, salty, sour and bitter foods. This was great fun. The sweeties were a great hit but the

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Daily Mile

In between rain showers today, the children enjoyed getting some fresh air during the daily mile.  P.7 children are doing a fantastic job looking after their P.1 buddies.