Rookie Rockstars Day 3

Another great morning was had with our fantastic Rookie Rockstars. Today, the teachers breathed a sigh of relief when they managed to escape the challenge, as the challenge was set for the boys vs girls. As you can see, they had to cover another pupil head to toe in toilet roll. What a great challenge! It was a close call but the winners were…. the girls!! Tomorrow is recording day,

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Rookie Rockstars Day 1

No Monday morning blues this week! By 9:30 the whole school was moving and singing to 2 new rock songs and a melody of favourite tunes. Today’s challenge: How many marshmallows can you put into your mouth and still sing? The challenge was between Ash (one of the Rookie Rockstars) and Miss Clarkston. With cheeks like hamsters the winner of this competition was our very own P7 teacher. Well done

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Rookie Rockstars

A reminder that next week children from all classes will be involved in Rookie Rockstars activities during the school day and preparing a concert for the following week’s evening performances on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th of March. We’ve been hearing great feedback from other local schools which have participated in this exciting project. I’m sure everyone will love it! We cannot wait!

World Book Day Assembly

Today, Mrs Coyle held a special assembly to celebrate World Book Day and highlight some favourite children’s books and authors chosen by the teachers and their memories of reading during childhood. World Book Day takes place on Thursday 3rd of March. Children will take part in world book day activities in their classes. Children will be issued with a £1 book token. When you get your book token, all you

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Gala Committee Announcement Coming Shortly…

During today’s assembly there was a special draw to pick our Viewpark Gala Day representatives. This year, Aitkenhead will be represented by the Gala Queen, Champion, two ladies in waiting, a flowergirl and a crown bearer. We had some very excited boys and girls who I bet can’t wait to tell their families tonight. We will announce their names on here shortly!

Education City

We have purchased a subscription for an online education resource, called Education City. Children have been issued with usernames and passwords to access this fantastic resource at home. They will have access to songs and interactive games to support their learning across a wide range of curricular areas including literacy, numeracy, french, spanish, science etc. Here is the link to the website. Let us know what you think!  

Rookie Rockstars to Visit Aitkenhead!

Rookie Rockstars will be bringing their exciting programme to the school on Monday 6th March 2017. Rookie Rockstars is an initiative that was created to give children the opportunity to work with professional musicians to learn original songs, record a CD and perform in a fantastic concert. The programme covers key areas of the Curriculum for Excellence: Health and Wellbeing, Expressive Arts, Moral Education, Literacy, Technologies and more. Children participate

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HMIE Inspection

Letters were issued on Friday 20th of January to parents/guardians to advise that we will be receiving an HMIE inspection, week beginning Monday 6th of February. As part of the process, inspectors would like to receive opinions from parents regarding their thoughts on our school and your child or children’s education. We would really appreciate your participation in this survey. It should take no longer than 10 minutes and must

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Tartan Tea Preparations

Tartan Tea All classes are now busy preparing for this year’s Tartan Tea performance on Friday 10th of February. Pupils in Primaries 1, 2 and 3 will perform a Scottish song or poem.  Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 are busy learning their Scottish poem which they will perform to their class. Finalists will be chosen to recite their poem to our Tartan Tea judges, and they will select a

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