World Book Day Assembly

Today, Mrs Coyle held a special assembly to celebrate World Book Day and highlight some favourite children’s books and authors chosen by the teachers and their memories of reading during childhood.

World Book Day takes place on Thursday 3rd of March. Children will take part in world book day activities in their classes.

Children will be issued with a £1 book token. When you get your book token, all you need to do is to take it to your local bookseller and swap it for one of the TEN (exclusive, new and completely free) World Book Day books!

Or, if you’d prefer, you can use your book token to get £1 off any full price book instead! If you’d rather get an audio book, that’s fine too! It’s your choice, just as long as the book or audio book costs at least £2.99.

Then all YOU have to do is take your book home and enjoy it.

The World Book Day book tokens are valid from Monday 27 February–Sunday 26 March 2017.

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