P7 Maths Carousel

P7 enjoyed a carousel of learning activities to consolidate their times tables. Pupils rotated around four stations: IPads using ‘Hit the Button’ game; Times table written challenge; Snakes and Ladders multiplication game and peer assessment of each other saying their times tables. Here they are working hard:

Hockey in Primary 2

Primary 2 enjoyed their first hockey lesson with our coach John.  They were learning how to hold the stick correctly and safely as well as dribble the ball with control. Can you tell me how to do it by writing in the comments? We finished off the session with an exciting game of minefield avoiding all the cones that John laid out.  Hannah did a great job of avoiding most

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Welcome Back

It was lovely to see all the children back at school this morning after their Christmas holiday.  They have all settled in well and are telling us all about their break.  Santa has certainly been good to them.

Dancers & Gymnasts in P2

These 6 girls have amazed Miss Lalmy and the class with their brilliant success in Gymnastics and also Dance.  They were awarded Bronze for Gymnastics and came second in their Ballet, Tap and Modern dance exams.  What an amazing bunch! Congratulations!

JRSO Competition

Here are the children receiving their prizes for the Junior Road Safety competition. The children had to design an outfit that would help them be seen on dark mornings and nights during the winter. Well done to everyone who entered and thank you to Lucy, Macey and Mrs Maitland for organising the competition. Sarah from P4 and Reece from P5 were also winners and will receive their prize next week

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