New Lanark Excursion

Yesterday, Primary 5 went on an educational excursion to New Lanark World Heritage Site. It was to enhance their interdisciplinary learning about life as a child two hundred years ago, compared to the rights of a child across the world now in the twenty-first century. They impressed the tour guides with their knowledge of how Robert Owen was ‘ahead of his time’ and performed well in the 1820s classroom. The

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Tartan Tea 2018

A fabulous day was had by all today at our annual Tartan Tea! All of the classes performed a Scottish song, we had former pupils playing the drums and bagpipes, and of course we had the results of our P4-7 poetry competition! Well done to all of our finalists, the four class winners, our junior and senior winners, and our overall winner who are all pictured. Our judges had a

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Primary 3 Investigate Robots

Thank you to our I.C.T. Experts from the I.C.T. leadership academy for demonstrating how to use the i-pad to programme robots. We couldn’t believe how fast they were able to move. We have chosen to use the i-pads at golden time for the rest of this term to allow everyone to have a chance to play and explore with the robots.

Delicious Scottish Pancakes – Leadership Academy

Last week the Fairtrade and Cooking Leadership Academy group were making traditional Scottish pancakes.  Pupils had to carefully measure out the ingredients, use strong muscles to whisk them all together and then cook them on a frying pan.  The pupils were very patient waiting their turn to cook and eat their own pancake.  It was delicious! Click on the link for the recipe – Scottish Pancakes recipe Can anyone tell

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