St Bernadette's

Global Citizens

The Community Links Committee is led by Mrs Booth.

Pupil Voice Group- Global Citizens

Our Global Citizens have learned more about the Global Goals and the ways in which we can take action to make our world a better place.

Goal 2: Zero Hunger – Completed over several sessions.

In an effort to end hunger and ensure food for all, our Global Citizens organised a food bank drive to help those in our local community. They made posters to advertise and inform other children around the school, before collecting donations from pupils. Many children donated and all items were given to St Bernadettes Parish Food Bank (Images on Twitter. Evidence-mind maps).

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation (Academic Year 22/23)

The Global Citizens learned about poor sanitation that causes many people around the world to become sick. We compared our journey for water to that of children in other parts of the world, to understand how difficult it is for others. We then discussed ways that we could help to ensure that everyone has access to clean drinking water. (Images on Twitter.)

Goal 13: Climate Action- Completed over several sessions

On the run up to Halloween, our Global Citizens explored ‘Fast Fashion’ and the negative impact this can have on our climate. We explored the ‘Act Now’ campaign and learned about Climate Heroes. We then decided to organise a Halloween Costume Swap to make our Halloween Parade more sustainable by promoting recycling/reusing. We collected pre-loved costumes from children around the school. Each class was then allowed to choose a new costume from the pre-loved costumes to wear at Halloween. (Images on Twitter.)

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth (22/23)

By looking at case studies of workers around the world, our Global Citizens investigated the impact of fair pay on our economy. We looked at the journey of a pair of jeans and the conditions of work for each person involved in their production. We then compared this to the amount each person was earning and realised that typically the people who had to do the most work were being paid the least. We discussed ways in which pay could be made fair for everyone to lead to a reduction in poverty.

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