Sacred Heart Primary

May 26, 2020
by Mrs Bradley

Room 6 Monday 26th May 2020

Tuesday 21st April- Welcome Back! – Broughton Primary

Good morning Room 6! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Here are your tasks for today:

Spelling Reading Numeracy P.E. Fun Task
Common Words







Write your common words 3 times and write a sentence for each.

 Oxford Owl


Log in to the Oxford Owl website. Please click on My class login at the top of the page and login with these details

Username: sacredheartroom6

Password: Room6


Choose an e book to read and complete the activities that come with that book.



Log in to your Sumdog account and play for 20 minutes. Try to win as many coins as you can.



Cosmic Kids Yoga.


Go on to the Cosmic Kids Yoga website and choose an activity to do.



Car Ramp!


Use a piece of cardboard to make a ramp to race cars down.


Good luck!

Mrs Bradley xx

May 26, 2020
by Mrs Frew

Room 14

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and haven’t been too stir crazy during this wet weather we have been having! Here are your tasks for this week, they are very simple so give them a go. Have a good week all! Mrs Frew xx
LI – We are learning to use Glow Mail.
Hi girls and boys, I am still here, hoping to hear from some of you. By now I am hoping that you have managed to get logged on to glow and have been able to get in to your Glow Mail and Microsoft Teams. Please this week try to send me an email. It doesn’t have to be long, Just a quick hello will be fine. Another way to get in touch is to join in the fun with the ***Name That Baby*** game we are playing!

Alternatively, It is always fun to use Scratch to practice coding, create a PowerPoint on a subject of your choice or use publisher to make a card or poster for someone. Feel free to email me any of your work.

LI – We are learning to pray the Hail Holy Queen.
I hope many of you have had a look at and prayed the Hail Holy Queen in the last week. It is a very special prayer. We learn prayers by repetition so this week, I’d like you to try again to say the Hail Holy Queen during times of prayer and reflection. The world needs extra prayer just now so you can help by trying to learn this one!

May 26, 2020
by Mrs Frew

Room 11

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and have survived the rainy weekend indoors. Hopefully the weather will brighten up soon. I am missing you all lots and look forward to when we can get back together again and do some amazing learning together. Have a go at the activities below! Mrs Frew xxx

Health and Wellbeing
LI – We are strengthening our relationships with others.
I have asked you to try out the conversation starters with your family over the past couple of weeks. This week I’d like to know how you have been getting on with this. So…start a conversation with me! Comment below telling me if you have found out some new things or funny stories about your family members. You can even try some of the conversation starters with me if you want. I look forward to hearing from you!

LI – I can use paper craft to create an effective piece of art.
Boys and girls, we have been seeing some fantastic rainbow art recently. Why not try this rainbow flower out and give it to someone you love! Its simple but effective. Remember if you don’t have coloured paper you can colour in the paper.

May 26, 2020
by Mrs Frew

Room 6

Good Morning Room 6. I hope you are all well today. I am missing you all lots and wishing we could be outside in the playground bee spotting together! Stay safe and smiling everyone. Get in touch if you can! We love to hear from you! Mrs Frew xxx

LI – We are learning about bees.
Last week I asked you to have a look at the life cycle of a bee. Did any of you manage to try it out? Did you watch the video? What did you think about it?
This week I have found a lovely information and activity pack called “Save Our Bees”. Try to look through it with an adult. It has lots of very interesting information. If you can, try out one of the activities or even just post a comment below telling me something new you have learned about bees.

Save Our Bees

LI – We are learning about honouring Mary during the month of May.
During the month of May we often pray the rosary. This week I would like you to try and make your own set of rosary beads. Maybe using pasta or bottle tops, raisins, anything you have at home that you can string. When you have made your beads, try to say a decade of the rosary with someone at home.

May 26, 2020
by Mrs Frew

Room 2

Good morning Room 2! How are you all feeling? I hope you had a wonderful weekend, although the weather wasn’t so great was it? Here are your activities for today. Have some fun trying them out and remember to post a picture or tweet any of your work you’d like me to see. Have a great week everyone! Mrs Frew xxx

Health and Wellbeing
LI – We are learning that everyone is unique and special.
We are all unique and special in our own way. Try out the activity below and ask someone else in your family to do it too. Are their answers different from yours? Does that make either of you better than the other or just unique?

All about me

LI – We are learning to experiment with different art techniques.
Boys and girls, last week I asked you to try out some farm animals using hand and footprints. How did you get on? This week I was thinking about farms and what a farmer needs and he will almost definitely need a tractor. Here are some ideas to try using either a footprint and drawing or junk modelling to create a tractor. Have fun!

May 26, 2020
by Mrs Frew

Room 10

Good morning everyone. How has your long weekend been? The weather wasn’t so good was it. I hope you are all well. Here are your tasks for this week. Give them a try if you can! Mrs Frew xxx

Health and Wellbeing
LI – We are learning to identify how we are feeling over a period of time.
Have a look at the image below of the mood tracker. Can you make one of your own with just 7 sections and track your mood over the week. Choose a colour for each emotion before you start and each day reflect on how you are mostly feeling and colour in the section for that day. It is important that we recognise how we are feeling so that if it is negative, we can do something to change it.

LI – We are learning to honour Mary, the mother of Jesus, during the month of May.
During the month of May we often pray the rosary. This week I would like you to try and make your own set of rosary beads. Maybe using pasta or bottle tops, raisins, anything you have at home that you can string. When you have made your beads, try to say a decade of the rosary with someone at home.

May 26, 2020
by Mrs Poutney

Weekly Walk from Home

Good morning everyone

What beautiful weather we have today to start another week.

I hope you have all been busy doing lots of fun things at home.

Hopefully you are still managing to fit in your daily walks as part of your exercise routine.

The theme for this week’s challenge is ‘Connect’. Have a look at the link below to find some great ideas for some activities you can try whilst out on your walks this week.


As always, have fun and stay safe.

Mrs Poutney x

May 26, 2020
by Mrs Poutney

Primary 7 Rooms 15 and 16

Good morning everyone.

I hope you all had a great long weekend. It was great to join in your Team Meet with CNHS last week. It was lovely to hear so many familiar voices. Hopefully we will have another meeting soon.

Your Studyladder activities have been set for this week so try to complete as many as you can.

Remember to get in touch if there is anything we can do to help.

Have a lovely day .

Mrs Poutney x

May 26, 2020
by Miss Rossetti

Home Learning 26th May 2020

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a lovely long weekend. It was so nice to speak to some of you on Thursday, it really made my week. I am hoping to arrange some new meetings today for Thursday so please keep an eye on your emails for an invite!

Thank you to everyone who has sent me lots of their learning so far. I have been looking through my emails and the work is fantastic. Well done everyone!

Here is your learning tasks for this week:


> This week you can select some tasks from our Newsround table. You can access Newsround here:

Each day you can watch Newsround and select a task to do. Each task is based on what you have watched. Miss Rossetti really likes the task about FACT V OPINION. Give it a wee go!

>Take some time out of your week and enjoy some reading or listen to an audiobook.



>I have set a times table challenge for everyone on Sumdog.

>The tasks on Sumdog are completely up to you this week. You can practise any of the skills you wish this week and earn as many coins as you can.

>Have a go at some of these times tables tasks! I love the skip, hop or jog task!

Art & Design

>This week I would like you to learn about Steven Brown. The famous artist of the McCoo’s! If you click on the link below, it will take you to a PowerPoint all about the famous Scottish Artist. I would like you to take some notes in your own words about the artist and write down some things that make his work so unique.

Steven Brown Art Lesson PowerPoint

>You can also practise drawing your own Highland Coo! If you click on the link below it will take you to a ‘How To’ sheet that will help you draw a highland coo. I can’t wait to see them!

McCoo Drawing


Enjoy your tasks this week and as always I will add extras as the week goes on.

Have a great day,

Miss Rossetti xx

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