All posts by Mr Finnon

Blogging Bootcamp

Hi, use this link to get a list of all the schools taking part in the bootcamp. You can look on different blogs and see what other schools are up to. Your Thursday homework involves you making a sensible reply comment on another site. Remember  manners and anything you write has to be in line with the school ICT policy.

P7 Join the Blogging Fun


We are looking forward to joining this blogging fun as a way of showing what we are doing in school.

It will allow us to share our classroom to everyone and evidence what we are learning about.

Divided City

Please put all Divided City comments and Posts in here. Above you will find all the music in here, get singing.

Divided City

On Wednesday we go to Castlehill P.S to work on Divided City for the first time. After we  have that session, I would like you to tell me how you got on. Did you play any games? Meet any new friends? Are you interested in the auditions for any of the main parts?