Tag Archives: Health & Wellbeing

Beat the Street

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Every child should have by now brought home their ‘Beat the Street’ fob/key-ring, map and information pack for parents. Parents please remember to register your card and choose Lawmuir as your home team. Remember to scan as many boxes as you can and help us climb the leader board.  Check our progress or find out more here .



Getting Fit in Room 5!

At the start of term Room 5 created their very own new year resolution. The main theme which emerged was the desire to get fitter and healthier. As a class we have been discussing how we can do this by changing our diet and exercising more regularly. This wasn’t enough however… Room 5 wanted to make sure this was having an impact. We decided as a class to carry out a fitness test and record our scores. We will repeat this fitness test at the end of term and hopefully our scores increase! Check out some of our photos.

Max, Ben & Ellie O’Neill


Road Safety Community Action!

Today in response to Chloe’s letter sent to our local MP’s a site visit was arranged to discuss the road leading to Strathclyde Park. Pupils in Room 12 felt the road was dangerous due to a lack of pavement after the cemetery, during their recent visit to the park and wanted to do something to help.


Miss Law, Chloe, Gemma, Jack and Evan met with local councillors, Marina Lyle & Harry Curran and also Matt Costello – Local Regeneration Manager from North Lanarkshire Council to see what could be done about the situation.

Hopefully there will be news about extending the existing pavement soon.


Learning update from Room 6!

Food & Nutrition

What a tasty start to the week.  We tasted four different kinds of cheeses.  Some we liked and some we weren’t so keen on!  Our favourite was Brie!


In P.E. we have been learning new skills.  We have been learning to throw and catch accurately.  We kept trying even when it was tricky.


We have been writing sentences using this weeks phonemes ‘qu’ & ‘ai’.

Health & Wellbeing

We have been learning about cookers and how to stay safe. We cook with the hob, we make toast in the grill and cakes in the oven.