Category Archives: Primary 4

Our First Week in Room 13

We have certainly had a busy first week in Room 13 with P3/4.  We have been working hard to learn new routines and all about our new classmates and teacher. We have also been revising our phonemes from last year as well as practising our addition and subtraction skills!

Our PE days are Monday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor).  Kit can be brought in on a Monday and taken home on a Friday afternoon.

Please follow our class Twitter page @MissSTurton for weekly updates on our learning and any notices or reminders.
Please also check your child’s homework diary regularly for homework and communication from Miss Turton.

Miss Turton thinks we have got off to a fantastic start in Room 13 and is very much looking forward to working with all the children this year.

Beat the Street

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Every child should have by now brought home their ‘Beat the Street’ fob/key-ring, map and information pack for parents. Parents please remember to register your card and choose Lawmuir as your home team. Remember to scan as many boxes as you can and help us climb the leader board.  Check our progress or find out more here .