This weeks task is to solve the maze. You are not allowed to touch the black lines.
You can use any Python Turtle commands you want including
- goto(x,y)
- right(deg)
- left(deg)
- forward(length)
Save the image as maze.png and use the boilerplate code below in Thonny to start the task.
# Solve the maze # Mr Stratton # 7/6/19 from turtle import * # Help here setup(1000,600) # set the window size to 480x360 pixels bgcolor('yellow') # set BG to yellow bgpic("maze.png") # BG pic only works with PNG and GIF title("Mr. Stratton's Maze Tutorial") # Title of window color("red") # Colour line # shape("arrow") # Shape of the turtle (“arrow”, “turtle”, “circle”, “square”, “triangle”, “classic”) turtlesize(3) # size of turtle (easier for some kids to see) pensize(3) # Set the size of the pen penup() goto(-420,220) pendown() # vvvvvv Enter your code below here vvvvvv
After you have solved the maze answer these questions:
- How many programming steps did you take?
- Can you reduce the number of steps?
Save a new copy of the program and edit it to make it more efficient (fewer lines). The number of extra lines that my program needed is below.