Tag Archives: Summerlee

Primary 1-4’s Trip to Summerlee!

On Monday, Primary 1-4 and Primary 5-7 went to SummerLee to take part in some Scottish workshops! Miss Ross and P1-4 were learning all about the journey of wool and how kilts were made! We even got the chance to weave some wool to make a pattern of our own.

Here are some pictures of us in action! After our workshop, we embraced the great Scottish weather and had some fun outdoors in the SummerLee park!

P1/2 Visit to Summerlee

As part of P1/2’s ‘When Gran was a girl’ theme, they visited the Summerlee Heritage Centre in Coatbridge.

I have explored how people lived in the past and have used imaginative play to show how their lives were different from my own and the people around me.                                                           SOC 0-04a

I can compare aspects of people’s daily lives in the past with my own by using historical evidence or the experience of recreating an historical setting.                                                                            SOC 1-04a