Tag Archives: good to be green

Term 2 Learning Clubs

Personalisation & Choice

The curriculum should respond to individual needs and support particular aptitudes and talents. It should give each child and young person increasing opportunities for exercising responsible personal choice as they move through their school career.  Education Scotland

It’s Good to Be Green !

On the last day of term we congratulated the children who had been consistently on green in term 1, never receiving an amber warning or red card. We are very proud of their efforts and hard work and they received a special certificate in recognition this.

We are extremely pleased with the effectiveness of the daily diaries in keeping the children on track. There has been a significant improvement in the overall behaviour within the school and we are delighted with the childrens’ willingness to strive to improve.

As you are already aware, the school offers weekly rewards in the form of our learning clubs. These are chosen by the children and offer a wide range of stimulating and enjoyable learning activities to motivate the children. However, in addition to this, we are delighted to announce that all children will be receiving the end of term, ‘Fantastic Five reward !

This end of term reward offers a longer term goal for all children to work towards. During term 1, the children were required to have 5 full green weeks to be a ‘Fantastic Five’.

We are delighted to announce that EVERY CHILD IN THE SCHOOL has been successful and will receive this reward!

This amazing achievement will be celebrated on the 25th October when all children will be enjoying a cinema afternoon. They will choose from  one of the three films on offer and will receive popcorn, a hotdog and a drink to enjoy too.