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Baby Freya

We were delighted to announce in the August newsletter the arrival of Miss Smith’s beautiful baby girl during the summer break. Miss Smith is enjoying her maternity leave and has visited us in school with her baby girl, Freya. We are looking forward to her next visit to see how much she has grown.

Welcome back !

The summer break is nearly over ! We hope you have enjoyed your long summer break in the glorious sunshine and are looking forward to coming back to school on Friday 16th August at 9.00am.

Please note – Our new P1 children will begin at 9.30am on Friday and will be dismissed at 2.30pm.

House Shield

We recognised the great teamwork and cooperation our children have shown over this session. Our House Captains’ have worked very hard and have encouraged and supported the children in their house throughout the year. Mrs Welsh presented the House Captains will a certificate for their excellent leadership and announced the overall winner of the House Shield for the session  2012-2013 as ‘Lewis’!

Well done !