Category Archives: Successful Learners

Friday Learning Clubs

We have just started a new block of learning clubs. The children were able to choose from a range of activities including-

  • Knitting
  • Cooking & baking
  • Enterprise
  • Animation
  • B&Q- You Can Do It !
  • PE Games

I can use textile skills in situations in practical and creative situations in my place of learning, at home or in the  world of work. TCH 3-10c

Within real and imaginary settings, I am developing my practical skills as I select and work with a range of materials, tools and software. TCH 0-12a

I explore materials, tools and software to discover what they can do and how I can use them to help solve problems and construct 3D objects which may have moving parts. TCH 1-12a

I am developing skills and techniques and improving my level of performance and fitness. HWB 1-22a

I can follow and understand rules and procedures, developing my ability to achieve personal goals. I recognise and can adopt different roles in a range of practical activities. HWB 1-23a

I experience a sense of enjoyment and achievement when preparing simple healthy foods and drinks. HWB 1-30b

I have experienced the different jobs involved in running a business enterprise and understand the role each one plays in its success.

SOC 1-22a

By experiencing the setting up and running of a business, I can collaborate in making choices relating to the different roles and responsibilities and have evaluated its success.

SOC 2-22a